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Smoothie making machines


Midlands -UK
Brief Summary:

Business creation which sets up snoothie vendors in Emergency Service staff locations.

Detailed Suggestion:

Id like to open a business which would essentially "provide" an automatic smoothie vending machine to EMS staff locations. This premise works similar to those fresh orange vendors which you can see squeeze the oranges in front of you.

In working terms, the business would fill up the vending machines with fresh fruit frequently which would be used up each time a smoothie is bought and "made".

I've spoken with a few EMS staff and this seems like a useful idea as it allows staff to stock up on smoothies without having to venture outside of the Police station/hospital etc.

I'm aware the business wouldn't suddenly appear out of thin air and so a "Starting investment" would be needed, for which I have investors lined up in city.

The Pros:

✅Convenient and practical location for EMS personnel, keeping their nutrition levels up during busy days.

✅Another source of revenue for fruit pickers as it provides another selling point.

✅Doesn't directly compete with other smoothie suppliers due to the restricted locations of said smoothies.

The Cons:

❎Requires some development work to produce and implement said machines.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Not as far as I can fathom, although willing to hear input.

Thankyou for your time!

I mean you already have vending machines inside PD so the only difference is you want smoothies ? I seriously can't even understand on how many legs this suggestion stands on because it doesn't make sense at all.

From what i understand you want smoothies for either free or dirt cheap and also inside police stations and Hospitals, you already don't have to pay for fuel which i don't agree on so i don't agree with this suggestion at all.

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I do not like this suggestion at all due to it not making much sense. Since when does your work have to supply you with your food and drink whilst you're working.

-Doesn't directly compete with other smoothie suppliers due to the restricted locations of said smoothies.
I do not agree to this statement, either. It very much does compete with the other smoothie suppliers due to the amount of Servicemen and women in the city.

How do you think the fruit is going to be paid to the fruit pickers?

And what are the costs?

I'll be honest, I've not been in city for that long, since4 weeks or so possibly and this is my first suggestion at any sort of business idea.

@BmavI'm not a member of any EMS nor do I plan to be and this suggestion certainly isnt at the behest of them either. The smoothies wouldn't be "dirt cheap" as this is an business idea for the purpose of making money not a charity. 

@NoobH4mm3rAgain, this is nothing to do with the workplaces supplying anything. Its a business idea which involves installing a smoothie making/vending machine. The fruit would be purchased by me or mine from players who pick fruit. Costs and such haven't been discussed yet until we know which way this is likely to go.

nah we don't need it, all PDs have a shop about 500 feet down the road that lets you buy them

seems like a uneeded thing, try and work something out with noble store and likewise shops

EMS are among the highest paid in the city.  Pay for your smoothies from the shop like everyone else 

EMS are among the highest paid in the city.  Pay for your smoothies from the shop like everyone else 
you're not wrong.


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