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So who am I?


Active member
Well I am called Psychel on Altis and Badman on WOW.

So why am I here.  I have played WOW for about 5 years and was getting really bored as a healer just spamming one button in all situations.

I tried RUST, and that just seemed to be naked men running around bashing each other on the head with rocks.  I did however manage to make a house.

So what appealed to me about Altis.  Well I can only play at weekends and in the evenings for a few hours, but I love the idea of the role play.  Now it is going to take me some time to get used to it, but I am throwing myself at it.  In fact earlier my mic was not working, so I kept typing that I had a sore throat.  Although I learnt very quickly that I cannot type and steer.

I have joined a gang, well the gang is now 2 of us and mainly we are salt mining.  However it would be interesting to create a 'Trucker group' where we can all look after ourselves, and go in massive convoys.

I have not really got the full hang of the game, and I am thinking of writing a few blogs for fun, and for newbies to understand RP from the Badman.

Well it is getting late and I am looking at the server and there are loads of people on. For me this means more people to rob me!

For those of you than regularly read the forums, and rob me in the future, the less percentage you take, the more posts stories I will create.

Maybe I will try and wander around the main town centre and try not to get killed.

I reckon I will last 10 minutes lol.

As a RUST player myself, my fate is finding you and rock-fight you to death. Good luck and welcome
