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SoE_Peter (Unbanned 19/05/15)

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Offical Repo Man.
This is posted on behalf of SoE_Peter as he is having problems accessing the forum.

Your In-game name: SoE_Peter

Your Steam Profile ID:76561198075644619
Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):d4b6ec0e2fdb3f0eefe64086bbcfa51d
Date & Time you was banned:13/05/2015 1:49 PM
Please copy and paste the rule you broke:meta-gaming under Rule 4C.?
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I did not know using the tilde-key was in the rules if if get unbanned i will not use the tilde-key/break any rules please unban me its a great server.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:
So the unban-me-please reason given is basically: "I didn't read the rules; I didn't know; I love this server." Really? Do I look like I just floated down the Thames on a piano?  :blink:

You may have to do a little better than that. I would want to know that you have read ALL the rules, and understand them fully, before allowing you to come back.

For someone who spent most of the last few days uploading overly long videos into the 'Report A Player' section, pointing the finger at other accused rule-breakers on the server, I am really surprised that you don't actually know one of the most basic rules yourself - even to the extent of searchable keywords like 'tilde'. :(

I'll leave the final unban decision to another admin (seeing as I actioned the ban myself), for impartiality's sake.

Ill wait for the person banned to have access to the forums again before looking at this.

yes i did break server rules and iam sorry for that and i do deserve a ban but not a prem ban maybe  a mouth ban

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I have unbanned you for a final chance. I suggest you stick to the rules as much as you like reporting them in the future.

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