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Spike strips

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William Antrim

Well-known member
Coupled with some of the other suggestions that have been made recently I would like to propose the ability for civilians to be able to manufacture some basic spike strip traps. These would be difficult to make and take a long time to construct (so that they cannot be abused) and would only be able to be deployed in certain areas potentially (so as not to ruin too much RP/be classed as trolling/grief play). At the very least they would be very heavy (20kg plus). So you couldnt easily coat a road with them.  Once they have been placed however they would just as easily be removed by ANYONE who noticed them. This would allow them to function in their intended use but also prevent them from being abused. 

The reason follows that they could - if used correctly - provide some much needed help to individuals to really enhance the car chase experience and provide assistance in heist planning and the like. I know that 30 coppers are already sharing the link to this thread to all vote it down together because it means they cant win but honestly when that vote has been cast aside then if you think about the positive parts of the suggestion it could be really great. I would not want to see these things deployed to legion square on a nightly basis to troll but if used properly then they could/would be a great tool. 

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+1 for this, beats setting police tyres alight. I know exactly where I would put them to get away during a heist, they would be a great addition, along with working zip ties. 

 I know that 30 coppers are already sharing the link to this thread to all vote it down together because it means they cant win
Please stop thinking that all cops are only here to "win". Its simply not the case.

Now. Im not a cop and I don't think the server needs this and I don't want the server to have it. Simply not a thing thats needed.

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Please dont assume something you dont know to be true and concentrate on debating the idea and whether or not its a good thing. I would much prefer you look at the idea rather than the motivation behind it. 

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