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Star Citizens! - Anyone here?

I own 2 ships but I'm having issues with them not showing up in my hanger.

I own 2 ships but I'm having issues with them not showing up in my hanger.
Which two?

EDIT: Just seen that @Protety had already asked this XD

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CEO of the Iron Banking Corporation here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/IRONBANK

Proud owner of: Banu Merchantman, 890 JUMP, Phoenix Constellation, Cutlass Blue, and a 350R.

Yeah, I may have invested a fair bit in this game .... on the plus side, if anyone wants to join my organisation then I can offer you some fantastic employee packages!
Damn, these are all the ships which I want and fantasise about...

@IceZaroth has spent more since this screenshot...


I personally cant afford any of these "cool" ones...

I have....


The Aurora MR

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What do you guys think? Should I upgrade from my Freelancer Max to an Constellation Taurus? :eek:

P.s. There is not a big money difference .. only like 8 Euro but then I would lose my Alpha pack.

What do you guys think? Should I upgrade from my Freelancer Max to an Constellation Taurus? :eek:

P.s. There is not a big money difference .. only like 8 Euro but then I would lose my Alpha pack.
I asked people this when I was wondering which to upgrade to. I got the Taurus and this is peoples responses. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/212706/just-melted-my-cutlass-red-for-constellation-taurus#latest

The general message was that the Taurus is basically a large transport ship which has a constellation hull. But, I don't care, its called a constellation and that's good enough to satisfy my desire to get one! And it can hold more people.

Thanks, uwww you are still in XPLOR that's disgusting :eek: just used scripts and bots to invite huge number of people, shittiest org. out there .. Tigga is a huge ass aswell .. Lieing to all the member's I used to be part aswell when it was starting up, when all that started i left ...

Check these out:

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@IceZaroth has spent more since this screenshot...


I personally cant afford any of these "cool" ones...

I have....


The Aurora MR
Go to the RSI website, then your account > My Hangar > Configuration and then make sure that your ships are in the hangar. If not, then drag them in.

And @Protety: lots of people say that XPLOR are dicks, but when you actually talk to them and spend time with them? Not so bad. Made some good friends (and recruits, heeheehee) within their ranks. Once the game launches, then they'll be good customers.

Go to the RSI website, then your account > My Hangar > Configuration and then make sure that your ships are in the hangar. If not, then drag them in.

And @Protety: lots of people say that XPLOR are dicks, but when you actually talk to them and spend time with them? Not so bad. Made some good friends (and recruits, heeheehee) within their ranks. Once the game launches, then they'll be good customers.
I talked to tigga before the org. was this big and he had the plan to dominate everyone and everything, which they probably will try with their nearly 10k members but I also have a could friends there, I didn't mean the members are bad but the way how they want to execute their plan is shit, Mass recruitment, they don't care who or how good their members are they just care about being the biggest.

so i was in an organisation but its with people i hardly talk to anymore, we got any aluk related orgs?

I talked to tigga before the org. was this big and he had the plan to dominate everyone and everything, which they probably will try with their nearly 10k members but I also have a could friends there, I didn't mean the members are bad but the way how they want to execute their plan is shit, Mass recruitment, they don't care who or how good their members are they just care about being the biggest.
That might have been their aim once, but I've been to several of their meetings, as well as chatting to Tiiga and several other high up members, and it's really not that right now. I actually like their current plans - I can make money out of it.

so i was in an organisation but its with people i hardly talk to anymore, we got any aluk related orgs?
There's my org: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/IRONBANK

We're a company that's going to aim to make as much money as possible, all the while becoming self-sufficient. We've got a large member focus on RP. I don't mind it becoming an ALUK org, or putting some ALUK adverts in there too.
