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STATS page missed!

Jason Smith

Maple Syrup is love, Maple Syrup is life!
Every time I click stats it redirects me too the homepage. I understand the stats page was taken down due to some issues with the database and server issues but as far as I have been aware these issues have been fixed, again I might be wrong but I really did enjoy looking at my stats and other peoples stats when I was at school and really board! If you guys could bring this back it would be really great!

It's disabled at the moment, don't actually think there's an issue.

They still need to fix some issues? They are most likely busy so ComingSoonTM

I'll just add that the stats page was a huge help in finding money dupers... and I already have a small list of people to look up. 

Let's just say that when someone walks up to you and tries to rob you in close quarters, with a 460k gun, full rebel gear... and you kill them... you get pretty happy that they gave you a nice 460k $ Sniper rifle... But when you pickup the pile of cash they drop and see it is >900k...


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