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StejskyCZ Leaving

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Well-known member
Příbram, Czech Republic
Hello guys

I have been in this community for more than 1 and half year. I have experienced here a lot of great things but unfortunately this community has changed a lot. And the changes are not good. This community has changed from Roleplay one to shooting one. And that is the reason why I am moving to a diffent one.

I wish you all good luck.

StejskyCZ Out

Sad to see you go, hope to see you back at some point!
(Also free weekend atm so everything is horrible)

Hello guys

I have been in this community for more than 1 and half year. I have experienced here a lot of great things but unfortunately this community has changed a lot. And the changes are not good. This community has changed from Roleplay one to shooting one. And that is the reason why I am moving to a diffent one.

I wish you all good luck.

StejskyCZ Out
I have noticed the increase in shoot first attitudes lately,it is sad to see people leave because of it.Feel free to leave me your moneys,Ill put it to good use :p

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Thank you guys but I have already made a decission and what is even worse it wasnt hard one. And all my money were given to One Shot.

Good luck @StejskyCZE i will miss you ?

PS thanks for the money


Good luck! I remember you took me out on my second patrol :)

Enjoy your new home

Known you since I joined the server and you essentially taught me ARMA and how to police.. Thank you Stej and see you around!

I appreciated you helping me overcome my marijuana addiction but ill never forgive you for scrapping all my HEMTTS!

Good luck buddy!

It was nice patrolling with you.

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