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Stig - Unban Appeal (Unbanned 26/06/15)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name:   Stig (time of ban) also known as "Wallace"

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197985675134

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  17fb0387668a76d545d7c79bd37dea7f

Date & Time you was banned: 21/6/15 - 19:00 approx.

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

4C) Using tilde key for anything other than identifying people who break rules

6C) Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

To explain what happened - We were in Kavala and I was witnessing a NHS Medic reviving a gentleman - I started some small RP. When I turned around I saw a random civilian get into the NHS Medic car (pick-locked it I'm assuming as the Medic questioned how he got into the vehicle) At this point I was quite frustrated and fed up of people breaking the simple rules esp. as I feel medics already have quite a bad name by a lot of new players who can't be patient so I decided to unholster my gun and start firing at the tires to try and get the vehicle back. I went over to the Medic who was questioning how he got into the car and said I've got his name (inline with Rule 4C as he broke multiple rules by this point) I was then TP'd by an ADMIN called Jonathon if I recall who queried what I was doing - I gave an explanation that I'd rather a random person who's only on the server to disrupt the game play was caught and reported so people that are serious on the server wouldn't be as disrupted - however, I will note I was quite sarcastic and mouthy (non-swearing) but I do wish to apologize to that ADMIN - as I said, I had a bad day but that's not an excuse. I was then banned on the spot for this.

I've been a member of the community for a good couple of months now and have done a lot of gang-related RP's and have met a lot of people that I'd consider friends. I have put time into reporting multiple people for rule breaking and I've taking this very seriously. I've had compliments off people that have also done RP with myself. I'm a dedicated player upon this server, and I think due to having a bit of a argumentative moment I shouldn't be perm banned for something that lasted around 2 minutes. I'll make sure not to interfere with an ADMIN and take the rules into my own hands when I feel needed, instead I'll just stay out of it to a certain degree. 



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Hello! I was the admin who tried talking to you. The issue was not only that you broke RP in voice by saying "i've got his name" but also that when you were shooting at the tires you fired your gun in a GZ. Had you not done this I would have had time to ban whoever stole the NHS vehicle, but I got more distracted with you firing in the GZ. I later on tried talking to you, and asked you to simply state "I wont break server rules again". You wouldn't even do this.

I know how frustrating it can be seeing rules being broken and there are no admins on, but this time there was four admins on. And I was actually watching the Kavala strip and would have banned the person stealing the NHS vehicle, but by the time I had seen you were not RDMing ppl in the GZ, he had exited the vehicle and I couldn't tell who it was.

I would be fine with this guy being unbanned, however much my opinion matters =)

Hi Brat,

Thanks for the response and like I said please accept my apology - I do mean this.

I was going to confirm I wouldn't break the server rules, but like stated I was just being a sarcastic/ rude person at that moment (I do this a lot within my RP's so maybe I wasn't really thinking about the consequences when it comes to speaking to the ADMIN I suppose) I did seem to take it too relaxed as I sat down while you were speaking to me, aha. 

As far as the name issue goes - yeah, that's all my fault and the shooting. Frustration gets to you like I said. I'll make sure not to do it again, as a dedicated RPer. Mistakes happen.

Appreciate the response and the opinion.

P.S - I know who stole the Medic Car if you still need to know the name, JS. 


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