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Strider VS Big ass tree


Account suspended upon users request.
North Yorkshire
we won but took some damage 


I done this exact same thing yesterday, except the tree I hit didn't fall it stayed still.

Hope you planted another one! =P
Ohh havent you noticed how effective we are regarding planting and rebuilding broken fences? 

In fact, every 4 hours everything is back to normal no matter what damage has been done! 

Pretty amazing if you ask me :D

Ohh havent you noticed how effective we are regarding planting and rebuilding broken fences? 

In fact, every 4 hours everything is back to normal no matter what damage has been done! 

Pretty amazing if you ask me :D
Now you mention it...

Hmmmm, you guys for hire? ;P

Absolutley, we actually have a pretty sweet deal only this week with 90% off. Now only 50M per 4 hours! 

But wait.... There's more!!!!! For a limited time only, you also get your very own hobo to follow you and do as you command, this will last from 3-4 hours depending on the particular hobo's loyalty! :D

That's incredible! How about 49M + a kitkat? Loyalty of the hobo has me a little concerned. What some sort of back up plan.

Well, all I can say is.. Keep him in your eyesight all the time! They can be very usefull for quicker processing of all sorts. 

Unfortunately the price is non-negotiable, since we already knocked it down 90%. 

Also hobo-trading is a very delicate business, so we can not guarantee he will do as you say. But considering he will be un-armed, and hopefully you have a firearm of some sort, you will have the upper-hand.

P.S: Do not EVER let the hobo get his hands on any firearms, he will most likely seek revenge upon anyone who has "wronged" him.

Apperantly, hobo's also have feelings.

Well, this sounds like it will be more hassle than what's its worth! Saying that, I do own some spare cuffs and lead *Don't ask* so I could make this work. I will be carrying a firearm, but do don't worry my hand will always be placed over it. 

Yea sod it! You sold it to me!
