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Switching back to Stable


The King
Lifetime Donator
A stable update is on its way this afternoon and we will be switching server 1 and 2 back to stable when its released.

So you are aware of what to do when that time comes (the info bar on the website will be updated and pointed to this post) please do the following to reverse from RC to stable


Again if you have any issues we are here in this thread to give a helping hand!

So, looks like the testing that was done last night worked?

Is this the same patch that we was using yesterday?

Cannot guarentee that there wont be any crashes, the RC test we was on last night did crash twice (different crash) 

We will again provide any crash logs directly to the 3 Bohemia devs we have on skype.

Anybody here able to open server 2? i hate not being able to play with the community
Not exactly the place to post, however server 2 will be opened when a senior admin ( can't remember who can open it ) deems it necessary to open the server. Therefore it could be opened st anytime if server 1 has been full for a while!

And woo! I can play again XD

Thanks for keeping us all in the loop @Wilco and working so hard with BI and whoever else!
