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Syn. mental - Unban request

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So last night I got banned for killing someone from VIP island that was shooting one of my guys, I was watching him for a while and eventually I just got my gun out and shot him and killed him. The second I killed him I thought, what the fuck did I just do and I was genuinely extremely mad at myself, feeling heavy with regret. And I ended up logging off about 15 mins later. I know I'm completely in the wrong and I was of course expecting to get banned, I offered the guy comp last night, but he said he wanted 10m. After waking up this morning I've found myself playing other servers and none of them felt the same as this server.  The kill was a strike of madness and I still do not know why I did it because after over 2 months of playing I have never broken the rules before. I am truly sorry and I hope that I can be unbanned.


Hi Mental

It is good you understand the rules and know that you clearly broke it on this occasion despite some of your friends and fans here wrongly pleading no wrong doing which they are 100% wrong in doing.

I hope they will go and refresh themself on the server rules.

I have unbanned you with the certainty this wont happen again.

Many Thanks

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