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T-Robot Banned for RDM (Unbanned 28/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Grosse ILe MI
i will make this short and sweet i shot at a police car from the back of a truck the car blew up and killed its poor driver. my motives were dodgy at best and it was horrible role play. i understand how in that situation i need to do more or say more before i open fire and honestly it was a major slip up on my part i always try to RP to the max but that time i got lazy and it shows. we all make mistakes and i hope i can be forgiven

I do feel that shooting from cars should be clarified. Are we allowed!? Is a form of RDM or VDM? 


This is a serious roleplay server and what you did is not tolerated here.

Ensure you read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID, not your Arma ID, for a final chance on the server.

i have read the rules Vladic and i assure you it will not happen again my guid is a9cad0b4bc951210b25d9c4dd07d4054

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