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Tattoo UI Improvements

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United Kingdom
Can we get the tattoos organized to the corresponding body area. This will allow people to easily find tattoos specifically designed for the right arm, left arm, or the back.

Should be more like ordering at AE or Tire Nuts, you can select all the tattoos you want, see how it looks and then buy. Not just buy one, buy next... etc

+1 For UI change

+1 Yes please.
More often than not, people come in knowing they want a piece on a specific placement, and it's so annoying having to go through them all xD 

Will require a dev to go through and manually move them to their correct positions if this is accepted (That's a lot of fucking tattoos to sort lmao)

Will require a dev to go through and manually move them to their correct positions if this is accepted (That's a lot of fucking tattoos to sort lmao)
No it won't? They already have the zone assigned as shown in the menu already (unless some are incorrect?)

Can we get the tattoos organized to the corresponding body area.
I'm guessing you mean keep it how it is however order the stuff inside the categories by the body area e.g this?


Currently, the organization is based on DLC's. But I was suggesting replacing the DLC categories with more specific body part categories. Instead of sorting items by DLC, they could be organized according to the body part. (face, neck, chest, back, left arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg)


Edit: I've also made the owned tattoo list be ordered by the body position then title rather than being in a random order.
Been a while since I got tats tbh, didn't realise they had zone assignments already, looking good tho!

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