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Teamspeak Avatars

Jedd Lii

Well-known member
Hamburg, Germany
I personally am really sad about that change since I created police and medic badges for me which I put in Teamspeak, I know other people who had the same thing going on. But in general it was for a good laugh and just a way of exchanging things. Can someone please help me understand this change?? 

@CMO Mickeeywell it feels like its only changed so more people donate :/ I would love to donate but my financial situation isnt allowing me to do so...

@CMO Mickeeywell it feels like its only changed so more people donate :/ I would love to donate but my financial situation isnt allowing me to do so...
Not at all, the server hardly has any donator features at all, and since the last teamspeak server all thats changed is Donators can no longer change descriptions, but can now change avatars.

The only features a Donator gets (from memory) is a forum tag, teamspeak tag, teamspeak set avatar permission - that's it I think, so not much..

+ the servers have a set running cost per month, and the money has to come from somewhere!

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Its not so more people donate. I personally don't see why you would donate £10 just for a Teamspeak avatar you donate to support the server! However it was always suppose to be just donators who had the option to set avatars anyway. 

Not at all, the server hardly has any donator features at all, and since the last teamspeak server all thats changed is Donators can no longer change descriptions, but can now change avatars.

The only features a Donator gets (from memory) is a forum tag, teamspeak tag, teamspeak set avatar permission - that's it I think, so not much..
Still I mean it was a feature everyone had access to and now it got taken away from us... Well I guess we won´t get it back anyway so I´ll just adjust...

To be perfectly honest avatars are pointless in my opinion. I don't care for people's avatars because I'll look at it for what, all of 2 seconds?

Its not to push people to donate it makes people save space as I presume all avatars are saved client side and would probably make the teamspeak smoother and prevent issues regarding  inappropriate avatars etc.

To be perfectly honest avatars are pointless in my opinion. I don't care for people's avatars because I'll look at it for what, all of 2 seconds?

Its not to push people to donate it makes people save space as I presume all avatars are saved client side and would probably make the teamspeak smoother and prevent issues regarding  inappropriate avatars etc.
Yeah,I believe Avatars are saved Client Side like Client Icons,Are this being restricted to Donators as well?

You need to understand three things :

- Donators have very few benefits

- Its always meant to have been this way

- The amount of storage it takes to hold an avatar for 1000s of users
