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PLF Wolf

Advanced member
<20:41:14> Trying to connect to server on ts.altislife.co.uk
<20:41:14> Connection failed because the server reached its maximum amount of clients.

Any way to bump the numbers up? this time mid week is an insane amount of people lol.

Oh what! :eek:

We really need some more sluts .. I mean sluts! (11/10 would laugh)

But yeah @Wilco any chance we can get more?

I am SUPPOSED to be doing my NHS interview right now...been trying for 30 min., but I can't get on the TS server...same deal...

 <15:44:31> Trying to connect to server on

<15:44:32> Connection failed because the server reached its maximum amount of clients.
HOLY fuck.... give me a few mins guys... never thought we would reach 200 people on TS
