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Teemo (Action: Ban Issued 11/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Teemo
Time & Date this happened: 06.11, 3PM
Description of what happened:
My fellow gang member was pulled over by a police officer. We turned around our vehicle to come help him out. The officer surrendered, so we proceeded by taking his weapon before letting him go. Then out of nowhere, Teemo kills me. How rude :(
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
I texted him, and this is the response I got. As you can see in the video, at no point did we initiate any roleplay with this guy. Not a single shot was fired by neither us nor the police officer.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here

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Lol. This guy came to me in the middle of town and said "Officer! I just died, and these guys they kill me up north of Kavala! Come help!" "Can I go kill them?" 

To which I replied "No."

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