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The ability for gangs to buy their own branded clothing


Well-known member
Recently people have been changing their clothes to look like the Morrison's and the Grove street to cause drama within those two organisations , So i would like to request the ability for gang/organisation to own their particular piece of clothing like a mask to make the gangs/organisations more unique, I believe the tensions that happens between gangs/organisations are not made by the gang members its just people pretending to be that particular gang/organisation. The clothing would only be available once the gangs/organisations would be an active would reach all of the milestones, like the Number of Members, Activity and also the have a good reputation within the community. Thanks for reading, Dave 

Not for it personally, restricts roleplay if you can only wear certain things, I dont think the problem here is the clothing but people being small minded.

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Not for it personally, restricts roleplay if you can only wear certain things, I dont think the problem here is the clothing but people being small minded.
Its a branded shirt/jacket or something that you can chose to wear - hardly restricts rp

I just want a simple looking mask that could distinguish between gang/ organisations, so people dont cause bullshit drama between two different organisations, which then could damage the well being of everyone on the server, which could cause the popularity of the server to go down 

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I think later down the line if people can actually create their own clothes that are of high quality i'd see no reason not to bring them in, it would give groups the chance to properly distinguish their group from others. The people with their own clothes would obviously be the upstanding members of the community that have been here and shown that they're here to stay.

It also brings another avenue of roleplay for those people with the family clothing, they can stop random players from wearing it and show what being a member of said gang is all about, creating fear etc. +1 from me. 

The Callaghans like to wear suits, are we just going to restrict anyone who is not a Callaghan from wearing a suit?
No, but if you had your own Callaghan suit with Callaghan family in the pin stripe or whatever you would stop them wearing that particular one, this post isn't about stopping people wearing current default clothing but more along the lines of the custom made clothing for a particular group, i'm designing my own livery as we speak that advertises the fact that i own AutoCare, Imagine me trying to stop people using that? (if it makes it in game)  It'd be stupid similar to stopping current default clothing, hence why I believe it should be the custom stuff, you should stop people wearing YOUR custom family clothing.

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I would like to bump this again.

We really need to start encouraging good groups to stick around on the island and make them feel like they are a part of it. Having these shit gangs that go around and just shoot up cops or civs when they are bored is not what we want to encourage. If we were to award these good groups with something as simple as for example, a mask for Midnight. A hat for grove or a suit with a custom tie for the Callaghans, this would make them likley to stick around and keep up the good work and high quality RP they are providing.

Real life you cannot own a set of cloting just becouse you are part of a street gang. Moved to rejected low vote
