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The ALUK Minecraft server


The King
A hole in the ground
Ok so I've been trying to get whitelisted on the server for the last few days, I have Vladic try to do it with no luck so I was hoping there was someone else who could have a go!!!!




(ty to whoever can get it done) 

Any op should be able to do /whitelist 2342485a-2869-4067-9f48-2d69a0765c02 and it should be good!

@Vladic Ka@Ciaran

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Ill do this right now.

Edit didnt work.

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After changing alot of setting on my minecraft account I think if got it sorted @Vladic Ka

Can you please whitelist the name: Kechhh

(if this dont work I have no idea) 

Ok guys we are going to need our third server now for Arma so Im afraid the minecraft project must come to a close.

@Ciaranwill post a world download for people who still need it here soon™
