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The Backstory of Joseph Zepol


Active member
Character name: Joseph Zepol

Nationality: Welsh

DoB: 08/05/1986

Age: 29

Build: Average Muscle in torso and arms, Muscly legs.

Relationship Status: Single

Family: Jake Lopez, Zac Henry, John Hermandez, Jamie Wood, Alex Allen (Brothers)/\ Kyle Davis (Son) /\ Sam Arnolds (Father) /\

Mental state: Sane

Equipment: Pistol, NV Goggles, and various melee weaponrs used for all sorts of things.

Background Story: Ever since Joseph was born, everyone knew something was wrong with him. He was always stealing items, picking up dangerous weaponry, all kinds of things. But no-one ever thought he would get himself into this kind of trouble.
Yes, bad trouble. He always gets in trouble with the police for various reasons. From tickets for illegal parking, to years in jail for murder.
But none of that now, this is his backstory. Right? RIGHT?
When Joseph was a child, he was beaten by his father. His father didn't like children, but he was still addicted to having sex with his wife, even if she didn't consent. He ended up having four more children. Again, he beat them for years on end.
One day, when Joseph was but fifteen years old, he stood up to his old man. He got his friends from the Hell's Angels (Wales Chapter) and beat the living crap out of his father, chasing him away from the poor town of Pencaenewydd for good.
But Joseph wasn't done there, he was bloodthirsty after that. He began to mix with dangerous people. People from street gangs, mafias, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs), and other kinds of criminals.
But one day, he went to EvoCity. There he met Zac Henry, his long-lost brother who was abandoned as a child. Still, Zac had a large bump on his head from where he hit the side of the hospital bed when he was born. This caused him to have a minor autism, also it might just be because he's Zac.

But Joseph met his brother in EvoCity, and he decided to buy the office building. There, him and Zac spent weeks growing drugs and printing money.
Then, Zac was gone.
Joseph searched everywhere for him. He searched local towns, cities, even states.
But then he found Zac.
In Paralake City.
Joseph met Zac in the city hall with his gang, the Lopez Family. The Lopez Family was a hated gang in the city, but Joseph didn't care. Joseph joined his brother's gang, and met the members.
But it turns out, these weren't just regular members.
These were his brothers.
Joseph was delighted to see them! He hugged every one of them and got to know what they were doing as a job, what their relationship was like, etc.

Unfortunately, Joseph was caught escaping from a hit, and was sent to jail with charges of First- Degree murder.

But Joseph broke out of jail, and hid in Rockford until he thought it was safe. He had a few associates he met in the past bring a plane to a desert far away from Rockford, and used it to escape and hide out in Altis until it's safe to return to Paralake.

Personal Relationships: Friendly towards most people.

Theme Song:

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nice to read!

Bit graphic and inappropriate really... I stopped reading the moment I read;

but he was still addicted to having sex with his wife, the sick man. He carried on having sex with her, occasionally even resorting to rape, and had four more children. Again, he beat them for years on end

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To be fair, I copied and pasted this from another server's forums, although it was me who wrote this. The sex and rape bits were put in by an admin without me noticing, though. I didn't write that. I'll remove that now.

 This caused him to have minor autism, also it might just be because he's Zac.
This made my friend go nuts when he saw I put it in, eks dee.

(He actually isn't autistic, just for everybody who would whine about this)
