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The "Community"


Active member
Isle of Man
This "community" has turned into a brawl/slagging match in the last 4 hours. this is not what us gamers are looking for, when I finish a stressful day at work I come home to have a laugh with some friends and maybe meet new people. Lately a percentage of this community has turned on other memebers which then leads to their friends getting involved. this has resulted in one of my friends being Perma banned. This ISNT gaming, nor fun, this is pure idiocy and immaturity. what has happened to the community of Altis this evening? Im not one to talk, I got upset because I got banned for something which I genuinely did nothing wrong. This community need to pick its self back up again and become a friendly, rule abiding, fun place for everyone from admins, down to the peasants(Civs). COME ON GUYS. Peace

p.s go to the weed farm, farm some weed, process it, smoke it and CHILL the fuck out.

It's funny because the lot of you are making these threads that complain about the community yet you're the one that is banned? Like seriously, stop all the shit-posting post a Ban Appeal and then begin to play on the server again. All that you guys are doing is showing how immature you all are by crying on the forums instead of actually being pro-active and getting your bans appealed..

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It's funny because the lot of you are making these threads that complain about the community yet you're the one that is banned? Like seriously, stop all the shit-posting post a Ban Appeal and then begin to play on the server again. All that you guys are doing is showing how immature you all are by crying on the forums instead of actually being pro-active and getting your bans appealed..
They are just spamming forums some people...

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Ok enough. Everyone move on.

Ive seriously had enough for one day now.

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