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The end of a Mikey Era

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Mikey Kearns

Well-known member
its been a blast guys from over a year i spent in the plice and reached DSGT in Athira then rejoined and reached DI in Academy i had a blast not gonna tag anyone as theres to many but you know who you are all my mates i wish evryone the best of luck i will still be in game and on ts now and again but not enough to remain active in a gang or police so until i return some day its bye for now <3

- Mikey out

Adios Amigo good luck in the future mate and i hope to see you as a fellow Hobo in kavala some time soon

Cya Mikey, will always remember the time when you 1 tapped Ben and caused ww3 in Kavala. Great lad and DI - cya soon ;p

Sad to see you not rejoinin the rest in the police m8 but take care !

Cya Mikey, will always remember the time when you 1 tapped Ben and caused ww3 in Kavala. Great lad and DI - cya soon ;p
hahah thanks mate that was one of my favourite moment on this server both of us running away because we know were fucked xD

thanks guys appricate it :)

My little PCSO who I trained when i was only a PC. Very sad too see you leave mate , and I will play with you soon. Best of luck mate and i will see you around :(

Still doesn't beat his Ghosthawking abilities.

See ya Mikey 
Ahhh those were great times ross xD remember it like it was yesterday

Come back mate, i don't allow you to go inactive. Serious now, Will miss you bud had a great blast with you in academy.Keep in contact. 

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