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The Life Of A Traveller


Well-known member
Somewhere in the land of europe.

So there i was on the mountains of Romania in the winter, freezing cold trying to find a village, when my luck hit me and i saw light! It was the village i was hoping for! The people there were very nice and a family took me with them, in the warm house. They prepared a really nice dinner, and i told them the stories of my travels. They were nice people. The next day i went out going back to a city from where i could go to Bucharest to get my flight for Paris. What nice mountains the french people have, i enjoyed visiting France. Great food and beautiful landscapes.


I was thinking about going to Greece to see the landscapes. I thought that it wasn't going to take a lot of time, but oh the mountains and the islands.


Only had to go to a few islands and two of them were Altis and Stratis. I continued with my journey through the beautiful islands.


I stopped on Cyprus and worked there. I didn't think it was going to take me years to get enough money for the flights to Altis and Stratis.


After the terrible work i managed to get to Stratis but what i found, it wasn't pretty, rebels and Nato soldiers and CSAT were fighting endlessly.


I managed to get away from that filthy island. I got robbed too many times there. After i was taken as a slave and smuggled to Altis i didn't know that life was going to get worse.

I managed to escape from those men, the truck crashed and i was the only few to survive. After people heard my story my bank account had enough money for me to buy my boat and fish. After getting my money, i didn't become better. I turned out to be nearly as bad as those guys, i was delivering drugs and weapons. When i got my first helicopter, i also bought my gear, my assault rifle, my mask and everything. Here i am now, delivering drugs in my helicopter, robbing stores, even killing men, i wasn't this man before, i never wanted it to be this shit, never wanted to be the criminal, but life isn't as you want is to be, it never was. I am now one of the most wanted criminals. Now i'm thinking of slavery, to become the one who has control over the slaves, and democracy will fall, the police departments will fall, it will be my reign, IT WILL BE MY ISLAND AND NOTHING WILL STOP ME.
