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The Lost MC & Raymond.


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Well want to say the scenario that we had, was how roleplay should be, and is probably of the highest standard I've seen in a long time, that was immersive and was a great scenario and one of the best I've been a part of in a long time and was something I always crave and I got that fix so thank you!, the whole scenario was unexpected ( which probably made it better ) kind of got weird vibes @ the clothing first and thought something was fishy but went along with it as it could've been any reason, thinking back on the scenario I done it terribly myself, was half asleep and didn't RP to the standards I like to, so I would like to apologise on that . But i was glad to be a part of that, I felt immersed the whole way and I wish everyone could roleplay to that standard, big hats off to you boys. #GodBless
