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The New beginning of R.Batsbak


New member
well, here goes.

About 3 years ago, I arrived in Lakeside a small town just outside of Los Diablo's
a 20 year old guy, trying to find the good life, the sweet life, The life where you don't have to worry about anything or anyone....things didn't go as planned.
i worked, and worked my hands to the bone trying to provide for my 2 year old son and 20 year old girlfriend, but i could not get a fair pay from the mining industries.
So i joined the EMT's. Trying to safe lifes after i lost my father at young age because the medical team came to late at a car accident because of a drunk driver who hit my father right off his bike.
I worked day and night, running 2 shifts at a day, getting all the money i could make for a better life.
At my EMT job, i met a good pal, Ray Tru, and man, let me tell you about this guy.
He worked harder, faster and better then anyone i've seen, but his driving skills where a bit....under the expectations so to speak.
But one night, after about 6 months of working as EMT, we got a call of a car crash next to the SO in Lakeside, so we rushed out with an ambulance and first response vehicle.
We arrive at the scene, and we see the Rebels, Just lighting up the SO, we took cover behind our cars, but a bullet bounced off the wall and hit Ray right in the spine.
I tried to stop the bleeding, but he gave up on me. That moment i knew what my next step in my ''carreer'' was going to be.
When the fire fight was over, and most of the officers got back up from behind their shot-to-hell cars, i talked to Ricardo, the Sherrif of the town....and i applied to join the force.

I said my goodbye's to my buddies at the EMT center and they wished me the best of luck. 

I went on a 2 week trial for the Sherrif's office as a recruit, and rolled up my first arrest not even 2 hours after i started, a drug deal with about half a million worth of Contraband.
I thought ''wow, im doing well for my first time'' Little did i know is that the Local rebel force would ambush the location and we got pinned down, Fearing for my life, i pulled out my sting 9mm and starting popping shots over the back of the squad car.
They ceased fire and ran off.
Me being gratefull for still breating, me and my commanding officer got back in the car and drove back to the SO, it had no use to chase down 3 trucks full of rebels.

Once we got back at the office, there was a guy waiting, he asked for me. So i took him to a empty room and told him to start talking, but i couldn't help but notice the Expendables Patch on his arm, The gang that ran Los Diablo's and it's airport.
They called themselfs the freedom fighter, and fought agains the system.
Turns out he was Ray's Brother, and wanted to thank me for giving him the best last months of his life, He always spoke of me like i was a brother of him.
Arnold (The guy talking to me) Told me that a friend of his brother was a friend of his.
But what was i going to do? be a pal of someone who is agains the job i do right now? i couldn't, i told him that it might be best to leave.
He did not take that lightly, but he went through the door, turned around and said ''Don't worry, the system won't get you''.

Me, scared to the bone for my family, i reported the incident to my CO, and he said they would put my family under protection''.
about 2 days later we get a report of a drive-by on Glendale road....the road my house was at.
I never drove that fast, i race down the street, only to see my house, shot to hell, and a car speeding off in the distance, maybe i should've given chase to it, but i couldn't help but think about my Girlfriend and son.
I ran inside the house, only to find my Girlfriend and son laying in the living room floor, in a pool of blood....i dropped to my knees.
EMT's arrived, tried to revive but it was too late, they were gone.

Since that day i swore revenge on any of the rebel forces who harm families of Law enforment, EMT's, or who ever they dare to attack.
But i had to run, i had to much heat on me, i got on the first plane i could get, and flew to pygros, the town my father got murderd in.
Now, the only thing i have left are memories, and a single picture of my son. 
I hope to make a better life here, for the greater good, with less murder.....But somehow, i have lost most of my hopes in that thought.

My name is Richard Batsbak, And this....this is what made me who i am this day.

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