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The Privateers!


Well-known member

A private security company.

The services and expertise The Privateers offer are typically similar to those of governmental, military or police forces. Accept we’ll do what they won’t. We will protect you and your assets in all the hostile territories of Altis.

Our services include but are not limited to:

·             Private security

·             Close quarters protection

·             Bounty hunting

·             Arms dealing

·             Search and rescue i.e. tool-kits, medevac

·             Pick-up drop off services

·             Protection for legal/illegal business

.             Jail breaks

.             Wet work (No Cops)

.             Kidnap/ransom (No Cops)

[SIZE=14pt]This is by no means an exhausted list, please contact us for a consultation, all work considered legal or otherwise. We [/SIZE]provide ad-hoc support around a range of solutions with ASAP response times.

[SIZE=14pt]Contact any users with the [pT] tag.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]“If no one else can help maybe you can hire”[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14pt]The Privateers![/SIZE]​
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Snips this should have gone in Altis Chat not here you spamming NooB.

I'm not sure what font you are using but I can't even read it on my phone....

Hi Sjeft would you be so kind as to let me know if the post is now viewable on your phone? 

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Are you accepting players who would like to join the team? I'm interested

Well you can always team up with us for a few evenings if you like & lets see how it plays out.

The Privateers have now acquired a Mohawk & this vehicle & its crew are available for Hire.

10K per person I.E for Combat drops & Taxi service

100K down & 50k per run for industrial use I.E Iron & Salt runs.

50K for search & rescue ops includes med or toolkit

For a full list of prices and a bespoke package contact any user with the [pT] tag.
