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The Sale of Drugs to Civilian AI

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Jayray Holder

United Kingdom
Sale of drugs to Civilian AI

Before i say anything i want to say that the Dev team are doing an absolutely amazing job on the FiveM server, and i am sure they must be exhausted from the amount of work they are putting in, but we all massively appreciate their hard work and dedication.

So as the title says, allow the sale of drugs to Civilian(s) AI rather than to random stores and signs.

I am aware of a Mod that allows you to sell drugs to AI.

How this works - When selling drugs to the AI there's a percentage (That the Devs can set) whever or not the Civilian(s) will
A. Buy the Drugs
B. Walk away
C. Call the police and report it.

If the Civilian buys the drugs then you obviously get money, in cash (This will still be classed as Dirty money).
If the Civilian walks away, then you lose a customer, they are not interested.
If the Civilian calls the Police then the Police will be notified by a red circle on the map where the incident took place

I believe adding this feature on to the server will benefit us by:

1. A longer Grind to do Drugs - This depends on the quantity of drugs you have, If you have 100 Grams of said product, you will need to successfully sell it to 100 Civilians. This could be done all at once in 1 particular area. Or it could be done throughout the day (It depends on you). You can choose to sell your drugs in a high traffic area such as Vinewood Boulevard to get rid of your product quickly, with an added risk, or a low traffic area such as Blaine County for the extra safety as they will be less Players and less officers, but potentially less Civilians.

2. Realism - You don't walk up to a signpost to or random Store/Building to sell Drugs, you sell it to people.

3. Roleplay value - Currently selling drugs goes like this >Field>Processor>1 bulk sale>Launderer>Done. This formula adds very little, if any interaction, and with little interaction means little RP. The police have no idea if you are doing drugs or not unless you are caught at the field or illegal areas. With this feature(Mod) added to the server it will go something like this - Field>Processor>Selling to Civilians(AI) with the absolute risk of getting caught depending on the variables listed above>Launderer>Done. As i said it gives Police a higher chance to interact with you. Some of you may dislike the idea, but this is how, in real life, drug selling can go. This needs to be a high risk>High reward business.

At the end of the day, selling drugs should be scary. You should be worried that the Police might show up at any minute, you should be worried that a rival dealer might be pissed that you're selling on his "turf", he might want a cut. And it should 100% take you more than 30 seconds to sell over 100 grams of drugs.

TLDR: Realism, Roleplay, Easy to add on the server, Active Policing, a more realistic grind, High Risk>High reward system.

I'd love to know what you all think, please be constructive


This post linked above goes more in-depth.

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i feel like the price of how much this sells for would need to increase for the extra risk and effort, this potentially would make for a good way to sell drugs on top of the other system, so players get the option to deal around for more cash but more risk and reward or just sell in bulk.

It should be only sell able to a handful of ped models as well. 

It should be only sell able to a handful of ped models as well. 
I think this is a good idea, but would take too much work and be too difficult to implement. also it doesn't make complete sense RP wise.

If you want specific models to buy only, then you are limiting yourself to a specific part of the map as the models change depending on where you are. For example Sandy shores NPCs are not the same as VineWoods, the gangs are different, you have hill billy's ect.

It doesn't make sense RP wise as in real life, no matter what class or stature, everyone does drugs wherever that's Cocaine or Cannabis or even Police officers. I feel like secluding the sale to a specific area such as "Grove street" would really limit RP and defeat the purpose.

Not sure if that's what you meant but that's what i took.

i feel like the price of how much this sells for would need to increase for the extra risk and effort, this potentially would make for a good way to sell drugs on top of the other system, so players get the option to deal around for more cash but more risk and reward or just sell in bulk.
I agree, assuming that someone is doing a run of 150 grams (0.15KG) at a time i think if you're selling a low level drug like Cannabis then you should see a profit of around 25-30K
If you're selling the same amount, but in cocaine for example you should see much more, profit roughly around 70k, seems reasonable. Especially since we are only assuming you're selling 150 units. You can sell more depending on your vehicles inventory.

In simple

Cannabis - Low profit margins
Meth - Medium profit
Cocaine - High profit

Each should come with an increased risk of jail time

We are working on how the hole drug is working. Moved to rejected for now as we have plan for it. Thank you for the suggestion 

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