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Just wanted to say, this is me waithing for the return of UNMC


i to am looking forward to it , however i have a feeling it will be nothing like what the original unmc was

i to am looking forward to it , however i have a feeling it will be nothing like what the original unmc was
Of course not, it'd be silly to expect it to be the same. 

Just expect nothing and you'll be more likely to be pleasantly surprised.. expect too much and you'll be nothing but disappointed.

i dont expect it to be like the original nothing could come close to those first 4 weeks, im just speculating like everyone else and hoping it becomes as great as it should have been last time

When is it going to come though? It's been hyped and talked about for weeks and still nothing :(

I want that RP back!

Yeah just hoping it isn't this "Invite only" thing but just strict with who they recruit :)
