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The Voice 2017 - Results


Head of Pestering the Development Team(s)
Lifetime Donator

The Voice 2017 - The Results

The Results are in!

After over two hours of auditioning and an hour in the Live Final the public have decided on a winner for this years "The Voice".

Please join me in congratulating @ShayChalloner & @WolviesTiger on winning the £5,000,000 ingame.

Also a massive well done to the following who managed to get through the audition stage and make the final: @Peter hawkins @SupahKillerx @Andreas Lykke @Adrian Isaksen.

Once again a big well done to all who participated, it takes a lot of courage and confidence to get up and sing infront of all your friends and loads of strangers. There were some brilliant voices and some amazing instrument players who all made the evening awesome.

Special thanks to our judges this year: @CI Wolfy @Robbie @Gregory.

Along with @Busterguy & @TikTak for filling in at different stages.

Special thanks also to @The Fiddler @Edgar Ville, @F A D E & @Ciaran for their support on teamspeak all evening!

I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all when I run this next year!

~ Norman

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Thank you to everyone who participated and had the balls to sing in front of that amount of people. 

Obiouvsly it was very tight at the end between ourselves and TikTaks team. But everyone was absolutely amazing and performed outstandingly.

Thank you to all the hosts, judges etc. 


Well done my amazing team, you did so well, and I am very proud!

@ShayChalloner and @WolviesTiger  You both did an absolutely amazing job. Shay you're a great Guitarist and Clau-I cant spell your name either you did some amazing vocals.

  Yes Shay! get in! next time you need to get the whole band around to enter the competition lol!

Congratulation to the winners and also a big well done for everybody who took part! 

Thank you @CMO Norman for sorting out the event and asking me to be a judge! Enjoyed it even though I was late. Will be happy to be a judge for the next one! 


@SupahKillerx & @Peter hawkins are my real winners! Welldone guys you did me proud :) 

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Everyone did an excellent job and thank you Norman for for making this event! Also thanks to all the staff members and judges! And Dean Cain!

And @Andreas Lykke was the best partner and fellow singer! <3

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Cheers to everyone for surviving my voice cracks and guitar playing!

Absolutely fantastic.

Everyone of you which had the confidence to sing in front of 70+ people deserves some sort of reward in my opinion. So flipping brave!

Also, Staff - Thank you for once again hosting an entertaining event, you took the time out of your day to entertain the masses, thank you.
