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Theo Kelvin is back.

Hi everyone, just thought I'd say hi now that I'm unbanned.

So Hi I guess.

Nice to be back, looking forward to seeing everyone. I expect myself to be hanging around teamspeak when I get unbanned from TS, untill then you can probably see me roaming the streets of Kavala as a hobo. Feel free to say hi to me, I'll probably say hi back. It's nice to be back see you guys around!

Welcome back!

Please make sure that you read the rules again so you are sure you know what they are and make sure that you follow them. 

Best of luck and if you have any questions, want any advice or help in a situation then hop into teamspeak and come and speak to a staff member who will be able to help you. 

Best of luck!

I read your appeal. It was well made. Welcome back to the community.

Hi everyone, just thought I'd say hi now that I'm unbanned.

So Hi I guess.

Nice to be back, looking forward to seeing everyone. I expect myself to be hanging around teamspeak when I get unbanned from TS, untill then you can probably see me roaming the streets of Kavala as a hobo. Feel free to say hi to me, I'll probably say hi back. It's nice to be back see you guys around!

I unbanned you last night mate, TS should work fine.
