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Theres Going To Be Some Changes...


Well-known member
Guess whos the mayor...

With my term in change starting i will be introducing some new laws and polices...

  • All hobos are required by law to have at least 5 lock picks on them at any given time.
  • DI is no longer allowed in Kavala. If found in kavala he must be forced to sing Peppa pig for a minimum of 3 minutes as well as being made to strip butt naked and walk through kavala.
  • The MU have full right to refuse a search of any of there trucks within reason.
  • I  will be importing 100% legitimate bracelets and watches for my children to sell at the local market 
  • There will be a weed party on the 19th in a undisclosed location (Location to be decided) . Marmite Miners will provide the weed. Music and dancing will be optional (pending authorization)  
  • The island currency will now be Ugandan sterling.
  • All citizens MUST have a valid visa with your correct name and present on your person. If you can not produce such documents the police have the authorization to take any of your possessions and your citizenship to the island. (Enjoy cops)  
  • Weed is legal to sell in the hours of 4:20 am to 4:21 am.
  • Lastly a mass importation of "legal" workers will be in full effect over the next few days. See link. Lookie Lookie

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  • There will be a weed party on the 18th in the centre of Kavala. Marmite miners will provide the weed. Music and dancing will be optional (pending authorization)  

I will make sure the popo is their to arrest you all

Well this certainly sounds interesting...quite curious who MU are though...not heard of em

Well this certainly sounds interesting...quite curious who MU are though...not heard of em
​Merchants Union I think.

I believe the story is they are legal-options only.
(If you guys actually manage to do this properly, good on you!)

Congratulations Mr. Agdgdgwngo!

I will sure enjoy your rule over Altis and I am glad that we (MU) can save time on police searches to make more Ugandan Sterlings per hour (legally ofcourse). Thanks a lot!

Everytime George gets kidnapped, we're more than likely to pay his kidnappers to execute him rather than release him  :Devil:

Congratulations Mr Agdgdgwngo,

We in the Merchant Union are very happy for you, as I have said you have the full support of the Merchant Union as mayor and we are happy to have your support too. As we have soon reach over 20 members expect to have a permanent voter base with us.
Also in response to the 500k "donation" I can only say " ;) " back.

Dr. H. Lecter
President of the Merchant Union

I look forward to not abiding by most of these 'rulings' you want to put in place. Sod the Ugandan dollar up ya pooper.
