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This is kilo victor 3 to npas 62..........NOPE


Well-known member
county durham
Ehm, lets not speak about this! I blame @MoonWolf for leaving you! 😄

Next time, feeel free to send me a text. I’ll come pick you up 😉 

exercise??? what is this you speak of? 

Hey , Benhu here from the hike , one of the travellers (not hobos) and i've got to say Mattay that was the most fun we had in a while in Altis, seriously props to you three ( Mattay (KV188) , PC - Ivan Stratov (KV278) and PCSO - Syphrax ) friend got a recording of it if you want to see ? https://youtu.be/RgFz1s4K0fA , Cheers for the fun lads (and for letting the charges slide ).

Hey , Benhu here from the hike , one of the travellers (not hobos) and i've got to say Mattay that was the most fun we had in a while in Altis, seriously props to you three ( Mattay (KV188) , PC - Ivan Stratov (KV278) and PCSO - Syphrax ) friend got a recording of it if you want to see ? https://youtu.be/RgFz1s4K0fA , Cheers for the fun lads (and for letting the charges slide ).
Charges slide? i follow full police procedures at all times! I do not know what you are talking about good sir? 🙄🤣

Well i guess seeing mattay's bald head and the stealing of my NV goggles was enough of a punishment 🤣 
