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This is me,when i heard copperinos got new vest for operations

just getting shitloads of Donations and suscribers on Afreeca while he streams Broodwar :3 just a show

Did the cops actually get the new vest for special operations? The new vest is really OP.

If the cops are getting something nice and shiny, give something nice and shiny to rebels too!at least some nice vest or a gun.

I think it's only AR (Armed Response) that may get the new vest. (So that's maybe 5-10% of the actual police force).

Normal cops get the same thing we've always had.

The police are not getting new vests. It is a possibility that  a few guns might come in but nothing bigger than 7.62.

The police are not getting new vests. It is a possibility that  a few guns might come in but nothing bigger than 7.62.
AR is not getting The new vests? Why not?


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Why police need a vest, when they already have a stronger one than the normal one they use jeez.... it's time for the rebels to get some stuff lemmen :p

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Why police need a vest, when they already have a stronger one than the normal one they use jeez.... it's time for the rebels to get some stuff lemmen :p
The Police in a realistic sense would be better equipped than rebels, and you rebels have new gillie suits AND stronger weaponry that normal police officers, You don't get 6.5 until SGT...

The Police in a realistic sense would be better equipped than rebels, and you rebels have new gillie suits AND stronger weaponry that normal police officers, You don't get 6.5 until SGT...
they have better equipment yes not like Russian special forces vests. i am going to make a vid soon showing the damage they can take
