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[TI] Ben (Rejected)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TI] Ben
Time & Date this happened: Today
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened: he keep call our guy cheat + taleporting .. without any proof for that
What Rule Was Broken ?: Rule 0: An Adult Community = We will ban people for bullying, racial hatred or just being a complete idiot towards other members.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: ya and he ignore me on ts :)
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)




I would hardly consider this bullying, he did not criticise you personally.

edit: also, if your friend was offended, he should probably file the report himself.

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This report seems to be very silly.... and the screen shots you have shown us shows nothing to do with breaking RULE 0 more to do with confusion and I don't think being confused in game is a bannable offensive!!

every one comment here hope they save it for them self lol no have time to answer kids sorry im just waiting for admin decide :)

every one comment here hope they save it for them self lol no have time to answer kids sorry im just waiting for admin decide :)
"No time to answer kids", what does this mean exactly? Because we type down things we are kids? People have put their opinion down and I personally don't see anything wrong. What he meant by teleporting is disconnecting and the coming back on.

So, I see this report being rejected as it just seems pointless. That is all I have to say/ask.

"No time to answer kids", what does this mean exactly? Because we type down things we are kids? People have put their opinion down and I personally don't see anything wrong. What he meant by teleporting is disconnecting and the coming back on.

So, I see this report being rejected as it just seems pointless. That is all I have to say/ask.
drink ur milk and sleep .. sweet dreams lol :)

Tells me "this guy teleporting everywhere" frustrating and funny.  If you cannot see. and this is not my problem. You should've improve yourself instead of blaming somebody... Many people will be suspicious about me because you write this on side channel. [TI] Ben


Edit; I'm just running

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hope this topic locked and we wait for admin decide about this ;c

This is a message to all officers, you are not involved in this report so stay away from it

@Asus i don't think this is a bannable offensive, Yeah TI ben should of taken it to the forums but we wouldn't ban for this.

For that this is denied, Hopefully TI Ben will take any evidence he has to the forums

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