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[TI] Petersson [P] - Unbann request (Unbanned 26/01/2015)

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Well-known member
Stockholm, Sweden.
Your In-game name: [TI] Petersson [P]

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197966152467

Your GUID: f4444d27b03e460ed6a6da9d918d5849

Date & Time you was banned: 10:43 19/1-2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: I did not break any of the rules stated in the rules section.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:  As I did not break the rule I was banned for (and noone claimed I broke that rule) and do all that I can to ALWAYS follow the set rules I feel that this is quite unfair.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

Thanks for your time.

Best regards, Petersson

Definetly not. there must have been some missunderstanding, I would never fire from or into any kind of  safezone.

Best regards, Petersson

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i will agree to this he did not fire into the blue zone what he did though was shooting towards police officers without any RP that was my report about i never stated he shot in the blue zone.

If you read the Report thread against me I believe it's quite clear what happened, But to answer your question. No I did not attempt to kill anyone. I know the rules and follow them. 

Best regards, Petersson

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There is no way for the guys receiving fire to know if you are trying to kill them or not. All they and anyone watching would see is someone shooting without any initiation of roleplay. Does not matter if it was in a green zone or not or if you kill them, when people do not know the reason they are taking fire we still class that as attempted RDM. Do you see the reasoning behind this?

Okay then I must apologize, it was not clear for me when I read the rules. Now I know this and it certainly won't happen again.

Best regards, Petersson

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