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Tigerforce going back to the wild

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Sad to see ya go mate, you were a total pain in the ass....but you were a funny pain in the ass haha!, all your mad random stuff you'd shout out from cars etc, been a pleasure mate, you take care of ya self where ever you go! - 

All the best!

The constant panic of cultivating weed has really got to you :(! Sad to see you jet off but hopefully you will be back at some point 🙂 


Tigerforce, it has been a pleasure, hope to see you around! Dont be a stranger!

(p.s alot of people know me since pc 😛)

Sad to see you go Kieran, don't be a stranger my dude, don't go completely and make sure you come back when your 16 and join us in the police 😛 

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