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Tranberg's Ban

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Certain things should be fairly obvious subjects to avoid in an adult community like this. Rape, child abuse, racism - just to name a few. If I see this, I will ban for it. If I were subjected to this, I would state in direct text my discomfort, and log out. 

things like ISIS and KKK are a whole different subject, even though I think that you SHOULD be allowed to RP as them.
The fact you think people should be allowed to RP as the KKK in my opinion totally discredits you. I'm even slightly shocked someone would even suggest this. 

Time to close this thread down? It's getting a bit 'out there'.

There's a difference between telling someone "Dont drop the soap."  and actually roleplaying it. I've never done it in game, and I've dealt with this manner in real life for the past 6 years. Sexual Battery is no joke.

You say that, but things like ISIS and KKK are a whole different subject, even though I think that you SHOULD be allowed to RP as them. It's ROLEPLAY, just because you are roleplaying as someone from ISIS doesn't mean you are going to go out and blow people up! Meant to be a "Serious RP Community," what does that even mean if you can't RP as anything you want? Now, I don't condone RPing as the KKK because it's just going about being racist and you couldnt really do anything else with it but it is still RP, if someone gets hurt or annoyed SAY SOMETHING! The world is way too PC these days, as soon as someones feelings are hurt, the ban hammer comes raging through, and I don't mean in the game, I mean in generally all over the world. Some people take things as a joke, others a bit more seriously like I said earlier.

"Adult community is all im going to say" ..... what does that even mean? Because I am 100% sure that we both know what you are talking about but saying that it is an Adult Community, you can argue BOTH sides. One being that sure, it's insensitive don't say it, the other is people on the other end can just ignore it. This argument could go on for days so please dont keep bringing up the "Adult community."
Spot on.

If someone is offended or personally affected by a roleplaying situation in game they should just say so and talk about it with the people involved. You can't possibly know what will affect who and if it happens you can talk about it and move on. This is an adult community yet people can't talk things out and settle like adults ? I mean this in general, not for the situation given necessarily as we do not know whether or not anything was said in game about it.

There's a difference between telling someone "Dont drop the soap."  and actually roleplaying it. I've never done it in game, and I've dealt with this manner in real life for the past 6 years. Sexual Battery is no joke.
There is also a difference between RPing something and doing it physically.

A forum mod/admin should probably close this topic. It's not getting through to Wookie sadly, I don't think adults would roleplay anything like rape that's the whole point, it's all about being mature and knowing the difference from having a laugh and going a bit far. I personally don't find rape RP funny in any way at all. I know I said I wouldn't post again but seeing that it's going out the other ear for OP makes the whole 'Discussion' pointless.

A forum mod/admin should probably close this topic. It's not getting through to Wookie sadly, I don't think adults would roleplay anything like rape that's the whole point, it's all about being mature and knowing the difference from having a laugh and going a bit far. I personally don't find rape RP funny in any way at all. I know I said I wouldn't post again but seeing that it's going out the other ear for OP makes the whole 'Discussion' pointless.
The thing is, I DO understand what you are saying, you clearly just don't understand what I am saying. I wouldn't properly start roleplaying stuff like that properly, just make a remark or something about it and that's it.

Kaden, why are you being like that? This is meant to be an Adult Community after all, are you going to run away from your problems or talk them out?

I don't see why the thread should be closed when we're all having a civilized conversation about a topic that definitely matters and could clarify a lot for the future roleplay situations, since rape roleplay isn't really the rarest thing I've witnessed in the server.

Also, I want to understand how exactly you guys think that murdering someone or a group of people is better in any way than rape or just acts that would hint one? If we're being a serious roleplay community here - let's look at it like that. So you guys would condone murder more than rape? Or are you just being hypocritical to the situation and talking mainly because of 'accepted gaming norms'? Please clarify.

EDIT: Just to clarify for myself - As I said in my other comment, I agree 100% with the ban if Poseidon really did say something in chat but Tranberg continued doing it. Just in case somebody starts twisting my words.

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^ This guy, I don't know you but I love you! ;)

Someone that finally understands!

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Kaden, why are you being like that? This is meant to be an Adult Community after all, are you going to run away from your problems or talk them out?
How many times have forum posts cropped up and different opinions mix then revert to a argument? Too many times. Shut it early and speak to people who have a problem in private. This is going no where. 

To play devils advocate - It's been brought up it's a military simulator and there's plenty of evidence of rape being widespread during war or turmoil around the world. Not that I'm saying it's okay, it's certianly not something I would RP.

However you could also argue that you get medics who RP 'sexual tests' etc. for a laugh, there's been plenty of cases in the UK and around the world of Doctors sexually absuing their victims. So do you draw a line there?

I do agree however if someone is uncomfortable with the RP situation that's going on, they should let the person know, and that person SHOULD then respect their wishes and desist, particularly if it holds personal connotations.

If the affected player did request the person to stop and they other party didnt, then the ban is justified - but should be subject to the two of them talking it over and the banned player fully understanding that the player wasnt comfortable with it.

Perhaps the rules need clarification if there are off-limits subjects for RP. People get robbed, raped, murdered etc. on the streets everyday so it's certainly a civilian 'activity' - just look at freshers week around uni', or the disorder that went on in Cologne, Germany recently.

Even the old Athira prison made a reference to being raped in prison - it might have been in jest, but i'd say it;s certianly not funny of those who may well HAVE been raped in prison. Either you can have it in game - or you cannot. But you can't have rape jokes and not allow people to RP around that.

I want to understand how exactly you guys think that murdering someone or a group of people is better in any way than rape
How many players here have been murdered? How many have been the victim of rape or sexual abuse? I don't have the exact figures but I'd guess it's a ratio of 0:>0.

If I was a victim of rape, I could imagine still enjoying a game like this, picking Apples, roleplaying with friends, having fun in my own secure home without any fear developed in the past. Then to be abducted and raped? I know you will understand how this could affect someone quite a lot, especially if there is a preexisting anxiety issue.

I know you could say the same thing for a number of crimes, but there must be a line. It's up to every individual to find their own line, and as far as I know the server owner, and staff have drawn the line here. I'll stick by that line.

Rape isn't okay, murder isn't okay, CRIMES aren't okay, but they happen nonetheless. That's real life. This is a game mod where you role-play real life scenarios, thus you should be able to role-play said crimes if that's what you wish. If they affect someone, they can just say it and people will stop.

I don't understand how people find murder, robbing, kidnapping okay and funny in the game yet rape suddenly is a no-go.

That being said, I haven't actually role-played a rape situation before and won't do it in the future, yet I've seen it happen to other people and everyone was having a laugh about it.

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How many players here have been murdered? How many have been the victim of rape or sexual abuse? I don't have the exact figures but I'd guess it's a ratio of 0:>0.

If I was a victim of rape, I could imagine still enjoying a game like this, picking Apples, roleplaying with friends, having fun in my own secure home without any fear developed in the past. Then to be abducted and raped? I know you will understand how this could affect someone quite a lot, especially if there is a preexisting anxiety issue.

I know you could say the same thing for a number of crimes, but there must be a line. It's up to every individual to find their own line, and as far as I know the server owner, and staff have drawn the line here. I'll stick by that line.
Good point and I can see where you're coming from. But here's the thing - Both acts are horrendous and should be treated as such in real life. This is a game. No matter how serious the RP can be, you can't get to the realism of treating horrendous acts the way you actually treat them. Thus comes my point - I don't really think rape roleplay should have any special position unless the victim actually did get vocal in the chat but the roleplay continued.

If you think of AltisLife like an film with a 18 rating you should be fine. Have any of you played Outlast? Jeese that game!

If you think of AltisLife like an film with a 18 rating you should be fine. Have any of you played Outlast? Jeese that game!
Oh yes I have. Probably one of the best horror games out there. Highly recommended for people fond of them. It has rape though, so people sensitive to that should maybe stay away :)

We could agree that all RP is fine, unless asked OOC to stop as the individual has been affected by the issue IRL.

So raping babies would be OK with the 'pro-rape' crowd? Or do you draw the line at that?

Also, if this were a precedent, what's to stop me saying I was mugged IRL and so when being robbed in game use that to get out of the robbery. You cannot tell who has been affected by what, you're right, and individuals are always free to say if it is a problem. But I still feel there should be an official 'don't go there' line drawn.

This is turning into a valid conversation, however I have a feeling it may be in futility.

Edit: Anyone up for joining my ALUK Debate Team?  I want @Zeito, I love devils advocates

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