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[TS3 UNBAN] Hopper (Unbanned: 17/06/15)


Well-known member
Your In-game name: [MU]

Your Steam Profile ID:  STEAM_0:1:40367313

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 4160182d0f9166abe52329552c0a69af

Date & Time you was banned: 13/6/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Playing soundboard in a gang channel.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I've learnt my lesson. I'll never use a soundboard again. The ban is fair and I deserved it. People like it sometimes they don't.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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I'm guessing your name was "jeff" since that's the only person I have banned today, if so you were banned due to playing soundboards in public and gang channels. You've previously been warned about doing so and I can only assume that you changed your teamspeak name as a result of knowing your situation. 

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I'm guessing your name was "jeff" since that's the only person I have banned today, if so you were banned due to playing soundboards in public and gang channels. You've previously been warned about doing so and I can only assume that you changed your teamspeak name as a result of knowing your situation. 
​No I changed it cause it was meant to go with this joke;

Ah Mr Hopper. Why did you not heed the warning about playing soundboards?

i know someone in this thread that enjoyed himself very well last time.........

cause some people enjoy listening to soundboards but others get very salty about it... it was actually in a private company channel and I had the name jeff so they didnt know me but he didnt realize it was me so he asked admin to get me banned or something @Lecter

@Vladic Ka

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Ok Ill approve this however please be mindful of others when you do this as not everyone is tolerant of soundboards hence why we have a rule.

@Neo can you action this one please?

another in a list of complaints about you hopper... watch your behavior in our community.

