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Ultimate Salt Run - With typical Esqy luck


Well-known member
I was on Teamspeak, hanging in the NHS lounge, And one of the chaps suggested we go on a Salt run. Normally, I'd be a little dubious, as they are risky endeavours, but with me joining that made about 6 people, So I figured it would be safe enough, and we were on TS through the whole operation

We all spawned in Althira, and a couple of the lads went to pick up a couple of cars. While we were waiting, a guy tried to annoy us, So he got initiated on, and knocked to the ground. One of the caveats for this was that it was fully legal, so props to everyone for not robbing him.  Anyhow, I headed to the general store to pick up a few bits, and by the time I returned; everyone was gone. Excellent.  

I let them know, And I get told that once they get to the Airport, They will come get me. So I wait at the drop point, and the previous guy that we didn't rob, came over and started trying to talk to me. I politely say that I'm on the phone, and unable to talk. An off-road swings around the corner, and I think that it's on of our lads and I jump in the back.

It wasn't one of our lads. Before I can get out, the 'Unrobbed' guy, pulled out a gun and shot me in the head. It was an RDM but it wasn't recorded, I had nothing of value and was too busy to faff around - Although I did spot that guy getting banned in the sidechat a little later on, so I guess he got what was coming to him.  Luckily the meeting point was outside of town, So I respawn, pick up another backpack & Basic stuff and @Thomas Shelbyswings around with his pimpmobile and picks me up - Luckily I was killed just outside the city, so I was skirting the outside of the NLR zone, but was safe. 

So, we come up with a plan - 2 Tempest Devices and 4 HMMT trucks, most people are carrying weapons, and the instructions are to talk our way out of any situations - We don't want any Wanted levels. The idea is that the 1 or 2 person mugging groups will stay back because of our numbers.  

So, we set up a convoy and head on down to the salt mine - It looks epic. Of course we get pulled over - We probably look suspicious as hell, but we weren't - Amazing how something like this gets instant suspicion. Thomas sorts out the police Who have noticed that all we are packing is pickaxes and fuel cans. Onward to the processing plant.  

We arrived staggered (To avoid Desync) and make a protective square. We all exchange keys so we can access the storage of all the trucks. We start mining with the Devices and our pickaxes and start filling up the HMMTs. Once full, we head towards the mine. It looked like something from Mad Max. Nice easy run, you would think.

Right at the edge of the salt plains, Thomas decides to be funny, and uses his HMMT to try to annoy the lead one. He hits, flips, explodes and dies. Many laughs were had. 

So, Thomas arranges to meet us at the salt mine, and rocks up with a Huron, So he loads it up from one of the HMMTs while we mine some more and we snapped a sexy photo:  http://imgur.com/zW2CnXS 

What a bunch of Badasses! (The third HEMMT is behind me)

He speeds on ahead (Flying around his NLR area) to scout out the processing plant - It was clear so we rolled in, and started processing. We filled up the Huron with refined, and headed back to the mine to get more stuff. While filling it up, we heard a chopper overhead (An Orca) - We checked it out, looked at the registration and managed to radio the pilot to let them know we are not attacking anyone. They headed off anyway.

In the meantime, something happened (Not going to go into detail here) which ended up having our illustrious leader banned - Luckily he had given the Huron keys to@ConnorTheGreatt so we kept at it. We left the device hidden away, and decided that Me, @Eyar and@DTYlan would drive the 3 HMMTs with the new refined salt, with Connor and Billy heading 1st in the Huron. While they were going, we were still processing. On the way, we heard a lot of chatter on the radio - Turns out when they landed the chopper, it was too close to a tree and had a propeller snap. As a stroke of luck, our new friend in the Orca was nearby, so another message was sent to see if he would give on of them a lift to get a repair kit and a car to clear the tree out of the way, He was a bro, so accepted.  

They sold the gear, and Billy put it in his pocket while Connor jumped in the Orca. The guy in the orca started drifting backwards and hit the building that Billy was squatting in, blowing up and killing all three of them. 

Upon our arrival (about 4 or 5 mins later) we had a look for the money which was dropped upon Billys death (about 900k), but it was gone. We then sold what we had, and Dylan distributed it - Ended up being about 300k each.

All in, it took about 2.5 hours - WAY longer than it should have - If it all went to plan, there would have been another couple of mining run, and it would have been a 3mill+ operation with 600k+ each. The guys will chime in for their versions - So much happened, I am sure I missed some funny parts! (Thomas trying to land his Huron on my truck anyone?)

Although it did not go 100% to plan, there was a lot of banter - The running joke was that they would rob me at the end, luckily they didn't! Moral of the story - Join up with a group - Even if its an ad-hoc group that you met on TS. There are some good people who are up for legit runs, and there is safety in numbers especially with a good plan that doesn't get advertised.

Finally, I also heard later on that the Huron was parked up and nicked....

So.. A Fun run - 4 deaths, 1 exploded truck, 1 crashed Orca, 900k lost, a stolen Huron and a banned leader.

This is what happens when people join me in-game!


@Thomas Shelby @ConnorTheGreatt @DTYlan @SPC Billy @Eyar

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Oh my Esqy.

This was so much fun too be honest, even though it ended up with me 400-500k down the drain and a ban, it was so good.

We'll have to do it again, but this time without the hickups and get the money going for real!

DeScync = My HMMT blowing up

Esqy's HMMT = Perfect Helipad if he'd just stop moving!

Don't call someone a retard in chat, you'll have a bad day!

@Eyarwas the other lad.

Oh my Esqy.

This was so much fun too be honest, even though it ended up with me 400-500k down the drain and a ban, it was so good.

We'll have to do it again, but this time without the hickups and get the money going for real!

DeScync = My HMMT blowing up

Esqy's HMMT = Perfect Helipad if he'd just stop moving!

Don't call someone a retard in chat, you'll have a bad day!

@Eyarwas the other lad.

See, This is how a run should be organised. We had numbers, we had scouts and we were ready for pretty much anything. It's also scalable - If we had more people, We would just add more HMMTs and that would add more safety. And, as it's legal we could also ask the police to swing by the trader to see if it's safe for us to go there.


See, This is how a run should be organised. We had numbers, we had scouts and we were ready for pretty much anything. It's also scalable - If we had more people, We would just add more HMMTs and that would add more safety. And, as it's legal we could also ask the police to swing by the trader to see if it's safe for us to go there.
Tea run to Kaval dealer? 10+ HMMTs!

While filling it up, we heard a chopper overhead (An Orca) - We checked it out, looked at the registration and managed to radio the pilot to let them know we are not attacking anyone. They headed off anyway.
It's only the police that may metagame this way :)

If he landed and we knew him we could have added him to the crew, It would have been useful to have another chopper, and filling it with refined would have easily created enough for another person.

That was a brilliant read. Now this is something that I would love to be a part of.

That was a brilliant read. Now this is something that I would love to be a part of.
Anyone can take part, me and a few others are always planning out new salt runs, just message me or Esqy on teamspeak im sure esqy wouldnet mind taking a few people for a run :p

I've replied to a couple of esqy' threads. Me and hi combined with the experience we both have had, we'll have the whole server coming after us lol. Unlucky sods.

I'll definitely take you up on that offer though. What channel are you guys normally in?

I've replied to a couple of esqy' threads. Me and hi combined with the experience we both have had, we'll have the whole server coming after us lol. Unlucky sods.

I'll definitely take you up on that offer though. What channel are you guys normally in?
Esqy is usally in the NHS lobbys, im sometimes there however im usally in academy office :p

I'll find either of you and see what the crack is. Hopefully have a giggle and make a few quid while doing it.

@SPC Billy - Volunteering me for stuff? When did this start? :p  

I'm usually a follower for these runs, as I'm not 100% savvy with the routes etc. The bonus with salt, is that we can ask the police nicely (In RP) if they would mind swinging a quick patrol around the trader. Thomas Shelby was the leader, and he did a fine job of it - By all means message me in TS, If I can't do it I can spread the word. In fact, It would give you a decent Ice-breaker if you wanted to plan your own run and recruit people! Good Luck dude, And if I don't end up on your run, I'll be around to revive you if it goes wrong ;)
