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Un-ban Appeal - _unbanSK - 26/04/19

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
2.1 Forum report

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I got banned because i VDM someone out of anger because i was salty that i got robbed and killed and lost all my loot.

Why should we unban you ?
im really sorry please unban me and give me 1 more chance i will never repeat the same mistake again i promise. I will do anything to get unbanned and also do some community work to redeem my self please please unban me im sorry i understand my mistake now and im ready to move on. Every Human being deserves a second chance and i also deserve another opportunity to show im a good person I believe you should unban me because im a good community player and i done allot of good stuff, i have helped different people in different occasions and i don't think its fair for me to get banned because i made a small mistake which its not an excuse. Everyday after work i come and play on the role play server because role playing for me its something i enjoy doing and its a passion. i try to play on other role play servers but its just not the same its boring i love this role play server. I am sorry for VDM ANDREW. Role playing isn't something easy and takes a bit of time to get the hang of it. im also human who makes mistakes everyday and learns everyday. Please consider my application and give me 1 last chance to redeem my self. I totally understand the mistake i made and i took 2 weeks off to reflect of the mistake i made and i read all the rules and im aware of the rules now.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Alright then let's get this started.
Firstly. I feel like you've completely forgot to mention the fact that you spent almost the entirety of your last ban appeal lying to try and get sympathy. Could you explain for everyone what happened and why it happened? 
Secondly why should we trust you back after you decided to lie on your last appeal?

  • Eggplant
Reactions: Riz
Firstly, i lied because i was affraid that i would be banned for life and i shouldve never lied and im sorry for that i take full responsability for being stupid and lying in the first place. I VDM a player because i was stupid and salty becuase i got robbed and lost my loot which is something that will happen its part of the game but its not an excuse for me VDM someone i apologise again. Secondly i believe you should trust me back because i have learned from my silly mistake that i made and i been banned for nearly 3 weeks and i read all the rules and i understand everything now and i promise i will never do the same mistake again. I lied on the last appeal because i was just affraid i was going to get banned for life and thats not something i want since arma role play is the only thing i play everyday.

Im sorry again for lying and VDM a player and i promise i will never lie again or VDM or break any rule again. Hope you accept my apologie and let me back into the server.

Thank you 


Alright then let's get this started.
Firstly. I feel like you've completely forgot to mention the fact that you spent almost the entirety of your last ban appeal lying to try and get sympathy. Could you explain for everyone what happened and why it happened? 
Secondly why should we trust you back after you decided to lie on your last appeal?
Firstly, i lied because i was affraid that i would be banned for life and i shouldve never lied and im sorry for that i take full responsability for being stupid and lying in the first place. I VDM a player because i was stupid and salty becuase i got robbed and lost my loot which is something that will happen its part of the game but its not an excuse for me VDM someone i apologise again. Secondly i believe you should trust me back because i have learned from my silly mistake that i made and i been banned for nearly 3 weeks and i read all the rules and i understand everything now and i promise i will never do the same mistake again. I lied on the last appeal because i was just affraid i was going to get banned for life and thats not something i want since arma role play is the only thing i play everyday.

Im sorry again for lying and VDM a player and i promise i will never lie again or VDM or break any rule again. Hope you accept my apologie and let me back into the server.

Thank you 


Firstly, i lied because i was affraid that i would be banned for life
Firstly let me tell you that you are more likely to get yourself banned for life by slandering another person in your ban appeal saying that they broke one of our most serious rules. 

Now you might want to make an apology to the person who you decided to slander before I continue this appeal

  • Eggplant
Reactions: Riz
Firstly let me tell you that you are more likely to get yourself banned for life by slandering another person in your ban appeal saying that they broke one of our most serious rules. 

Now you might want to make an apology to the person who you decided to slander before I continue this appeal
I apologise to the person who i VDM and accused of breaking a serious rule, i believe the persons name is Andrew and i want to say im sorry bro for VDM you and lying on your name. I lied on you and suffered the concequense for it and i deserved being banned for what i did. Again im sorry mate and hope you can forgive my stupid mistake and hope we can be friends and forget about the past and open a new chapter. I just want to play on this amazing role play server and get a second chance to fix my mistakes.

sorry for my bad english.

Sorry Andrew 🙂

Now you've got 20 hours on the server. That is how long it took for you to get yourself banned for VDM. After you got banned you decided to lie to staff about someone racially abusing you so really why should we trust you back on the server? 
How can I be sure you won't lie next time you break a rule?
How can I be sure you won't break any more rules? 
Now you keep saying you only want to put this into the past and forget about it and let me tell you that won't happen. We do not just forget about rule breaks.

Now if you were to get unbanned there will be some conditions
1. Any rule break within the next 6 months will lead to a ban
2. Any lying to staff will get you permanently banned of this server
3. Any slander towards other people of this community will get you permanently removed of this server

Would you agree to these terms?

  • Eggplant
Reactions: Riz
Now you've got 20 hours on the server. That is how long it took for you to get yourself banned for VDM. After you got banned you decided to lie to staff about someone racially abusing you so really why should we trust you back on the server? 
How can I be sure you won't lie next time you break a rule?
How can I be sure you won't break any more rules? 
Now you keep saying you only want to put this into the past and forget about it and let me tell you that won't happen. We do not just forget about rule breaks.

Now if you were to get unbanned there will be some conditions
1. Any rule break within the next 6 months will lead to a ban
2. Any lying to staff will get you permanently banned of this server
3. Any slander towards other people of this community will get you permanently removed of this server

Would you agree to these terms?
Yes i agree to these terms and i can assure you you will never hear anything bad from me again. I have learned from my mistake and i promise you i will never ever break any rules or lie again and i dont want you to believe me i will make sure to earn my respect and trust. Thank you so much for giving me a second chance to fix my mistakes i will not let you down sir 🙂

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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Discord: RPUK Discord


  • Eggplant
Reactions: Riz
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