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Un-ban Appeal - Aemon Targaryan (Unbanned: 03/02/16)

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Chorley, Lancashire
In-game Name
Aemon Targaryan

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
"Aids is not a Joke"

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I think that I was banned for one of two reasons, it was clearly for using a word that I realise could be offensive to some people, "aids", the only two circumstances I can remember using this word, were one: where a helicopter was flying over the top of me when I was trying to roleplay with some people who were acting shady at the oil field and I needed to hear them in order to talk, despite having the earplugs (shift + p) in. I then typed in direct communication, "This is aids" or something to that effect, talking about the noise of the helicopter. The other circumstance I can remember that I had used the word was more inappropriately, when I was being robbed as I had just spawned in and was on my way to the garage and I had said in VON: "This is aids" or something again to that effect. As far as I remember I didn't call a person "aids" and I was merely referring to the action that was happening being similar to a disease as I thought that it was stupid/annoying. On neither of these occasions did I make a joke about aids, or wish the disease on to another person and on both occasions I didn't use // or OOC chat to signify that it was OOC and that it was my character saying this at all times.

Why should we unban you.
Firstly, I think that you should consider unbanning me, as in the helicopter situation, the noise of the helicopter was impeding by ability to roleplay with another person, also the person hovering above me wasn't landing and had been there for around 5 minutes. The other time, I think that the people trying to rob me were simply trying to annoy me and were demanding a gun of me that I didn't have (if I remember correctly) I thought that this was also a pointless event, in which the roleplay that was happening wasn't exactly "rich" and the people robbing me weren't trying to take me hostage or anything that I thought could lead to a good opportunity to role play. In addition, if I had wished the disease onto somebody or I had said that somebody directly was aids, then I realise this would have been very bad, however I still understand how my in game character's annoyance at something and saying "aids" could still be offending to some in the community. I understand that the community is a very mature one and the word aids could have definetely been replaced by a more fitting word, I could have perhaps, asked the heli pilot to fly away again, or put up with the robbers. I understand all of the rules, and I know that offensive language shouldn't be used and I would understand perfectly, if I had called someone aids however, I was just referring to the nature of the action that was happening and how pointless it was (like aids, something that doesn't contribute to anything to this world). I meant at no point to disrespect those that might be offended by the disease, especially those who may have had people they know been affected by the disease. I would love to be unbanned from this server as I have played it for sometime now and I enjoy it more than any other server I have played, and my friends feel the same way, and therefore I think that if I stay banned then I will not be able to enjoy this game perhaps any more with my friends, therefore I will definitely change my attitude towards Altis Life, and I will make sure that I think of the words that I am saying, and will not use any words that could offend anyone (in irl), even if those words aren't homophobic/rascist. I would very much appreciate it if you would read this un ban appeal and considered it, but know that I will definitely not do anything like this again, or anything that would get me banned in the future, as this means quite a lot to me as this server allows me to play with my friends, also if you could give me the names of the people that I was with when I said it, I could send them a more private apology, if you think that that would be necessary.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

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Aemon Targaryan: PISS OFF AIDS

are the exact words...

will look at this when home!

So, I've read through your post, and I have still have to wonder why you think aids was acceptable?

You've rationalised it, you've explained it, but what's to stop you doing it again......

You have no idea what situation the person you're talking to is in... and you really need to be careful how you talk to people.

How would you feel?

Okay, thanks for reading the post, and I don't think that it was acceptable in hindsight.  However, in reply to what will stop me from doing it again, is that as I mentioned in my original post, I love this server mainly for the roleplay and I like that the server deals with rule breakers well, but as importantly, all of my friends enjoy playing on this server and I know that they wouldn't be willing to switch servers as they also love playing on aluk.  This would therefore stop me from doing it again as I definetely wouldn't want to get banned again as this would mean that I would continue to not be able to play with my friends.  I understand perfectly what you are saying about the situation that another person may be in, and your 100% right and I do need to really be careful in the way that I talk to people, and your right in certain situations then what I said could definetely be harmful to people's feelings.  Therefore, I am truly sorry, and I assure you that nothing like this will happen again.  

Thanks for reading this, and if you choose to unban me, I won't make you regret it and I am honestly sorry.

Unban accepted.

Final Chance

Unbanned: 03/02/16

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