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Un-ban Appeal - AyeLamaoo - 15/02/18 (Denied)

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United Kingdom
In-game Name
Ardi Emma

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Breaking RP

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was still quite new to Roleplay, so i didnt know how to react when someone killed me, and so i was revived and i was extremely salty and ran away from Medical Custody and the Admin came over gave me a couple of warnings but i didnt listen, and i got banned.

Why should we unban you ?
Im trying to find new servers to play on with my Gang, and we found your server and since im banned and cant join, i would love to be unbanned so i can play on a really popular RP server that you own. All the other servers that i played on are dying and have no RP involved to them what so ever. Thank you in advance for reading this appeal.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Did we not read the rules when we first joined? If even propts you every time you log into the server to make sure you check them. 

Also, we've had some int resting names while playing arma haven't we,

cunt wagon

retarded cock

absolute retard

The 9/11 is fake.

The HoloCaust Is Fake


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Well, i do actually fuck around with my friends here and there, we all do dont we now? I think thats my excuse for that. And also i have read the rules, i actually tend to from when i was banned from the 2 biggest RP servers on Arma and i didnt want to refrain on playing on unpopulated servers. But yea to be honest, i dont mean to offend anyone with those names. And im sure noone got offended because lets be fair here everyone fucks around with their mates im sure you can relate to that cant you?

Did we not read the rules when we first joined? If even propts you every time you log into the server to make sure you check them. 

Also, we've had some int resting names while playing arma haven't we,

cunt wagon

retarded cock

absolute retard

The 9/11 is fake.

The HoloCaust Is Fake


Did we not read the rules when we first joined? If even propts you every time you log into the server to make sure you check them. 

Also, we've had some int resting names while playing arma haven't we,

cunt wagon

retarded cock

absolute retard

The 9/11 is fake.

The HoloCaust Is Fake

And i dont particularly remember having those names on Arma maybe on Steam. But if i did i really dont remember playing on RP servers with those names anyway maybe a KOTH server but thats it. And what does my name have to do with the fact that i was banned for FailRP im preety sure at the time my name was DMNDTurtle or something stupid. I wasnt banned for a False name or anything like that i was banned for ignoring the admin and talking shit to him whilst breaking RP. And when i was banned it was in my very early stages as i was still learning the game i had like 100 hours now i have well past 5000 hours across i dont even know how many accounts anymore but point is i follow rules on servers now and i do RP since its my favourite thing to do in this game anyways.

You confirm in your appeal that you have indeed read the unban appeal process yet proceed to approach me on Teamspeak and question as to why your appeal has not been concluded as of yet.

As such, you will now be made to wait an extra 3 days (minimum)

Ensure you have read THIS before adding any further comments to your appeal.

Player has also messaged me to comment on the report, so I will. Because you are unable to follow the rules that are set out in the unban terms, this is denied.

You can appeal in a week when you learn to follow the simple rules. 

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