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Un-ban Appeal - Benkt - 01/29/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
don't know

Reason given for your ban.
Breaking new life rule

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I broke the new life rule. I fully understand why I got banned for this and see that it was wrong of me to do this. So it all started with me getting robbed a lot that day. Then I met a guy who robbed me who made me a bit mad. It all ended with him killing me because I ran when he told me to put my hands up since I didn't think he had any bullets. But at that time I had already given him the keys to my truck. I really didn't want to loose the truck aswell because they were going to scrap it for the money. So I respawned and ran back and pretty much stole back my truck. I got it back and stored it in my garage and then he chased me and killed me again. I then got another car and ran him over since at this time I was really upset with the way he was treating me. He didnt die and killed me once again. I then went back another time just to talk to them because I wanted to settle peace but then he told me to wait and while I was standing there not knowing what was going on I got banned.

Why should we unban you ?
I have now read the rules again and have a better understanding of why I have to apply to them so that you guys can keep the high quality of your servers. I reallly wouldn't want my journey on your altis life servers to end this way because I have really really enjoyed playing on your servers. I have now learned my lesson and will not break the rules again. That is why I really want you guys to unban me so that my adventure on your servers can continue.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Please provide your Steam ID, this is a long number beginning with a '7'.

Can you quote me the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words.

Can you quote me the rule that you broke and explain it in your own words.
I broke the new life rule. I did it because I was killed by a guy after having him rob me a couple of times so I was quite mad at this time. I had given him the keys to my truck and did as he told me to. After he killed me I went passed him and he took me hostage again. I played as if it was a new life at this time. It then ended up with him killing me again. I then decided to break the new life rule because I was mad and went back and stole back my truck and ran him over with it. I didnt manage to kill him and he killed me again. I then went back again to try and talk piece with him and see if i could get my truck back. I really didn't want to loose the truck aswell since i had already lost a lot of things to this guy and others robbing me that day. When I got back to him I started talking to him. He then pointed his gun at me and told me to lay down. I did as he told me once again. I was laying there for about a minute or two and then got banned. I would like you to unban me because I as i've said before have read the rules again and will just ignore things like this in the future and not break any more rules since I now have a better understanding in why you guys have to be strict about your rules to maintain the high quality on your servers. 

Well. I appreciate the honesty at the very least. I can see that if you are unfamiliar with the rules you may have made these mistakes but you are warned to make yourself aware of them... If you had any uncertainty about any rules, you would need to come onto teamspeak in order to talk to us and resolve that issue so that you don't break any rules.

I would suggest that if you are angry or unhappy about a situation you should take yourself out of game in order to prevent any further issues.

I appreciate the effort on the appeal though, follow the rules moving forward.


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