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Un-ban Appeal - BLAZER135 (Awaiting player)

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Dear Admins 

BLAZER135 has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: BLAZER
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198072605756
Your GUID or Steam ID: 3ffeb791ef54e82dc4598f7c62455e6f
Date & Time you was banned:: 25/09/15 [1:46 AM]
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): NEO
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: the reasone i was banned is that i didnt roleplay properly and i vdmed a guy who was standing at the entrance of athira police HQ because he was blocking my way and i that was a stupid move because i should have stoped the car and then told him to step away so he dont get runed over by cars ,also i used lethatls on the same guy when they where following us and then told us to put our hands up
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 10C) Rubber bullets and tazers must be used unless lethal force orders are given from a high ranking officer
10D) Police must keep a high level of role play at all times. Police are not admins so do not say "I am reporting you", there is a similar rule for civilians and other factions on the server.
3A) VDM - Vehicle Death Match Definition:

Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, using a vehicle with the purpose of making it explode are all considered a form of VDM here (Punishment is a ban)

However using the following vehicles to immobilise each other (eg. Hunter VS Ifrit or Strider VS Ifrit etc) is permitted in roleplay for whitelisted factions or people in ownership of a rebel membership - Hunter/Strider/Ifrit
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: i am really sorry for the rules that i have broken and it wont happen again i totaly understand why i was banned and i deserve it, i have read the rules that i broke and i assure you it wont happen again and here is how i will try to avoid the rules that i broke in future time
1) VDM: in this case i will try to slow down my speed and obey speed limits also if there is someone blocking my way i will step out of my car and i will ask him to step away unless he needed help
2) roleplay: i will try to roleplay at all time and if i couldent roleplay i will ask someone one to roleplay instead off me ,instead of just siting there and not saying anything
3) Trigger happy: in the future i will not put a mag in my gun so if i mistakley shoot it wont fire unless i have roleplayed the situation carefully
4) leathals : from now on i wont be carrying lethals because it seem that when i log off the ammo automatically switch to lethal even if i have tracers inside
i am sorry jhon for not roleplaying with you it wont happen again, also admins i am sorry for breaking the rules and making the server look bad becuase the police are the face of the server and i made the server look bad it wont happen again.

5) i am ready to do community service for 1 hr each day for a [to be set later] as police officer/civilian to compensate and improve the server in-front of other people who join everyday 

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/36388-pc-blazer-report/#comment-216139

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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Somehow I dont think the police will accept you back however I am willing to let you back on the server if you agree to not own a gun for a month. Agreed?

i Agree on not having a weapon  for a month not even a pistol  and there are no exeptions.

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