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Un-ban Appeal - bunnyhopping meme man - 03/08/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Poor RP/Threating to report

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Because my poor/fail rp and i threated to report them ( break rp )

Why should we unban you.
I was on the server for about 2 days, so im still new. I dind not understand the rules properly im guessing then. I thought when you were at gunpoint you need to comply and if not its fail rp. Sadly i did not know that the car had bulletproof windows which i know now and im aware of. I also did not know im not allowed to say stuff as im going to report you in voice chat considering it is breaking rp. if something like this would happen id just keep it to myself. I appologize for my behaviour and i hope i can get unbanned as i play on this server everyday for a few hours.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You've been on the server for more than two days. Why didn't you read the rules before joining?

You've been on the server for more than two days. Why didn't you read the rules before joining?
Ive red them but i dind not exactly understand the part i got banned for. I can promise that i will not do anything like this anymore. Also a side note ive litterly been waiting 1 day for a response my day has been boring without altis life. Anyways i can promise this wil not happen again i fully understand everything im sorry for my behaviour.

Edit: if you check what ive been doing ive been pretty active with lots of hours ( id say ) on the server so it would be stupid if i just wasted that by getting banned, what i got banned for was litterly the day i joined the server.

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On a side note I don't really care how long you've been waiting for a response. 

In your own words can you explain the rules you broke

On a side note I don't really care how long you've been waiting for a response. 

In your own words can you explain the rules you broke
I dind stay in character at all time, i broke the rule by telling them that i will report them and such, i shouldve just recorded if it was a real situation if they legitly broke a rule which they dind. I also shouldve roleplayed more if i wanted to rob the 2 person's in the truck when i only had a pistol and they were inside of a tempest. Aswell i shouldnt act childish when someone is actully breaking a rule and yell in voicechat that i will report them ( break out of character ) Again im sorry and hope i can get a second chance and get unbanned.

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