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Un-ban Appeal - Cdr Austin - 31/10/17 (Unbanned)

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Cdr Austin

In-game Name
Saul Goodman

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
CI Xkan

Reason given for your ban.
Metagaming - rule 4.4

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Apparent 'metagaming' - rule 4.4

Why should we unban you ?

The reason I made this unban appeal is that I believe I was banned unfairly, without proper / no evidence to prove I was metagaming, and that I was only banned on assumption.
In the report Xkan claimed I metagamed, which you cannot prove I did. Now, I didn't mention some things in the report, me and olani and our other friends rob people very often. We ALWAYS start in kavala and then go to the drug dealer, then go on the other motorway to the metal exports and up to the Kore drug dealer. I've had to condemn Olani many times and if he decided to RDM them, that's not my fault. Before my comms were seized, i had told olani the clothing of the two people who were trying to rob me. This, in addition to how popular the Kavala drug dealer, and how it is on a hill, where people and vehicles on that hill can be seen from miles around, it doesn't seem so odd that he found you guys. What I'm trying to say is there is no proof I metagamed. However, I have made a few small rule breaks in the past but they have always been resolved and I have read the rules again post these incidences.

In the screenshots below - It shows anyone anywhere from 250-750 meters away can see a vehicle on the hill, from a main road (I placed multiple cars to simulate where they could have placed their car. 

And, for accuracy, I've placed the car where it is in the video and as the photos show, you can see the car from the motorway. And, I know from experience that if you are looking to rob someone, and you see a vehicle at a drug dealer, it usually means someone is there, and so, usually you would approach the area in which you see the vehicle. This alone is a suitable reason in to why olani found where I was, and that also I was there is a mere coincidence. However, I am not too sure why Olani attempted to RDM Pupsss and Vinnie, that is probably a question for Olani, not me.

And, for Xkan;

Xkan - "it's very clear that you metagame'd your position to Olani" - I would like to see some proof.

Also, if I may, can I have a different staff member reply to this, (however I don't mind him replying to my question above),  just to eliminate any chance of bias. (I'm not accusing him of this.)

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here







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@CI Xkan Please describe your thought process on the ban,  so the player can get a better understanding on why the decision was taken.

So to start off. You've been taken hostage by Pupss and Vinnie and taken to a remote area initially and have had your gps and radio taken off of you. Pupps accidentally kills you and they decide to take you to the drug dealer to give you a prober execution with prober RP. upon taking you up to the drugdealer they get ready to execute you and as they ask you for your last words, you go quiet for a bit, most likely spending this time relaying info to Olani and then decide to say a prayer for the people who are about to execute you. and while this does come off as good roleplay it seemed suspiciously alot like stalling to me, trying to keep them from killing you untill Olani can arrive. 

Then when Olani pulls up and starts RDM'ing them you aren't even remotely phased and continued your prayer without interruption despite your hostage takers being blatantly RDM'd by who so happens to be your friend. that to me makes it seem more than blatant that you were expecting it to happen. 

This combined with the fact that despite you having been taken hostage for quite a while and he then just happens to show up at the exact spot they've decided to execute you seems to be a little more than just a coincidence. 

It can happen. Kavala is a small place.
This was your response when Pupss accused you of metagaming, they weren't forced to stay in kavala, if you've been taken hostage for more than 20 minutes you could easily have been miles away from Kavala, Altis is massive they could have taken you anywhere. In all honestly i'm more than confident you simply believed you were immune to getting banned because there wasn't any video of you specifically telling OlaNi to come to the drugdealer using out of game information. 

For all the reasons stated above I feel more than certain that you did indeed metagame to get OlaNi to your location. 

Here's the full video from the player report for reviewing staff: 


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I was quiet after they asked me for my final words because I was thinking of a good RP thing to say. I thought a prayer was pretty good.

In the video, after they got shot at and I  see them running away i then say "what's happening"

You claim it's suspicious that Olani found them, and that they could have been 20mi away, but the thing is, they weren't! It's not my fault they went to the most popular drug dealer on the island. They're are like 50 chapels / churches on altis if I remember correctly.

"... Decide to say a prayer for the people who are about to execute you. and while this does come off as good roleplay it seemed suspiciously alot like stalling to me, trying to keep them from killing you untill Olani can arrive."

I understand you have to value life, but who would risk being banned just so you can not die, when you have literally nothing but a backpack. (Not saying I would if I did have gear.)

 "...You having been taken hostage for quite a while..."
If I have been taken hostage for quite a while handcuffed in a position where I can hardly see out the car window, and then being tped with a stretcher, and then being down and only seeing above and around from ground level I could guess out one of the fifty churches on altis and tell Olani to come there. Nope.

I did not metagame.

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i watched the video, and i need to say this not a coincidence, that he shows up exactly where you get executed, also i want to point out. 
you broke this rules as well 

(3.2.1) Quick messages to another player in direct chat must be prefaced by the syntax "//" 

as you type multiple times officers help me, do you consider this as good roleplay? 

Also when i dig abit in your chatlogs i find this. 

10/28/2017 5:35 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 5:35 PM
Mao Zedong
//got that recorded

So now you break a other rule. So i know for 100% you have no idea about our rules. 
Quote me under wich rule this falls under aswell. 

can you also explain me this ? 

10/28/2017 2:02 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:03 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:03 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:03 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:03 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:03 PM
Mao Zedong
im locked in

10/28/2017 2:19 PM
Mao Zedong
not me

10/28/2017 2:22 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:23 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:23 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:26 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:26 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:26 PM
Mao Zedong
im being kidnapped

10/28/2017 2:26 PM
Mao Zedong

10/28/2017 2:26 PM
Mao Zedong

Ok after watching the video again he says "Kavala church" now there's about 4 churches in Kavala, and the one he went to wasn't even in Kavala, it was in Neri I believe...

I can explain the some parts apart from the "help I'm being kidnapped" I do understand that's bad RP and I'm sorry about that.  The other parts were due to the situation, I can't remember but I believe I was locked in the car and I was told to get out, however I couldn't due to be locked in. And as the engine is on the wouldn't be able to hear me, so I had to say in direct.

I guess you mean this rule;

[SIZE=medium](2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Im not sure if this is one one you are on about but I did say your going to be reported however it was in // not voice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I believe after I asked the person to come to ts to discuss it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Also I don't find it fair that you are just going through the chatlogs looking for anything to put against me. Im not saying what I did was right but I believe I didn't ruin anyone's rp experience and to be fair I can't remember the situation exactly but I don't think people even realized. I believe if you to look for chatlogs of anyone you would probably find bad things they've done. In a lot of situations I've been in where some people don't agree what I've done they're gone into direct chat and started complaining about it.[/SIZE]

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The chat logs are there and if you don't think its fair to look into the chatlogs and see what the person is like, then you should have thought about something like this before actually committing to such a mistake. Now for the ban I strongly believe that you were there to continue the roleplay but that also somehow you relayed information back to Olani which I'm not sure about but it is a suspicion, However you have proven to understand the rules and that's why I'm going to give you a 3rd and final chance.
Unbanned 09/11/2017 Final Chance

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