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Un-ban Appeal - christianz - 13/10/17 ( Timed out )

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New member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
logging off

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i whas bant for logging off i whas banned when i whas ofline sombady reported me for logging off when this happend i whas getting robt out of the green zone they whant my clothes so i seth no i gath kilth when this happend i respawnt after that i whent to the green zone they where there i whhent on to say child abuser en raper thay then when blalbabla they drove of i whas rong of sying that because of the roleplay i told them i whas familie of the man you kilth i heard the police found the boddy so i whent of the server rage lol en then the following day i whast ban they where mad that i whas bant en they whant me off the game

Why should we unban you ?
well i had a lot of progress en this server roleplay i love the gammode en i love to play on this server they where lying about this en i whas realy angry i then did this uban apeal en deleter diden respond i whas sad about that en diden do anything trying to find another server but i dide i play this server a long time en i play it with some friedns we loved it he told me when are you commin back i told him nevver well i never play arma3 mostly for this server i hope you understand iam a gud player i now the rulse en i love the server i whas a great aluminuim miner en then this happend i hope you read this en think about this

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

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okey i watched the video, and your story does not match with the video at all. 

whil you were in restrains and the guy was roleplaying with you, 
you aborted to the lobby, 
So why are you lying to us? 

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