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Un-ban Appeal - Dael - 04/05/18 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Breaking rule 4.4

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I broke (4.4) which states; If you are restrained and communications have been removed you must not be active on any other forms of communications other than direct chat. (Punishment is a ban)

I forgot to turn off my audio for the speakers but didn't forget to turn off my mic for teamspeak, so i could still here what my groupmembers on teamspeak were saying but I didn't speak using teamspeak, which led to a police officer thinking I was giving information, even though he wasn't smart about taking me away at all, he literally did it in plain sight in broad daylight with a helicopter in the sky - I said also that if I get put in the car that his afk partner would be shot; which was impossible as whenever the video was given my group members were still in the sky..so there was literally no way that that threat had any meaning to it as they were in the sky but the bluff did end up working in my favor as it gave me oppurtunity to roleplay with the person I was trying to rob at the start of the whole situation; he eventually lockpicked me out just before one of my fellow group members came in and me and my group member proceeded to go up the stairs, my group member got wounded and then I took a shot at SGT. Shark and got him.

I was banned because I was lazy/forgetful on my part. I apologise for making the RPUK staff waste time reading another unban appeal from me, but I genuinely want to play on this server and this server alone. Otherwise buying Arma was a massive waste of money lol.

Why should we unban you ?
I think I should be unbanned because I have read the rules over and over again since my ban, to the point that I'm confident I'll not allow myself to make small mistakes like that again. 1 so I can enjoy playing on RPUK and 2 because I don't want to effect anyones gameplay in a bad way, prefer just to head to the bar in kav and tell tales of famine. Since being banned I've tried out various different servers on Arma 3, but couldn't find one that could meet caliber of RPUK. It has a unique feel to it that makes you actually want to interact with fellow players properly and grow friendships.

I've also updated my settings on teamspeak to allow me easy muting without having to alt tab out.
I also know that if I get unbanned from this appeal, that it's my last chance - even a slight rolebreak would get me permantly banned.

I hope you take my appeal into consideration and trust that I never meant to ruin anyones time in-game because there's people I met in-game who I still talk too even after being banned.

Also these updates ❤️

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Alright, can you start with quoting us the rule that you broke and explain said rule in your own words?

my bad.

(4.4) which states; If you are restrained and communications have been removed you must not be active on any other forms of communications other than direct chat. (Punishment is a ban)

If I was restrained in real life and my commucations were removed it wouldn't be possible to communicate with anyone other than talking in my vicinity(using direct chat), doing that gives an unfair advantage in RPUK and can ruin roleplay for serious players.

You seem to understand. 

You last appeal got denied and you have indeed waited a fair bit to now appeal. What have you been doing while awaiting the "cooldown" ?

I moved into a new house last month, I finished college in April and now awaiting to go back into college in september to study digital media and technology for 3 Years. In the middle of saving for my driving license so I can expand my availability to search for jobs in the neighbouring towns. I've been out socialising alot more also.

Gaming-wise I've mainly been playing GTA 5 and Kenshi.

Re-read the rules before you hop back on, and please make sure you follow them.

Taking your history into account i suggest you thread carefully from now.


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