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Un-ban Appeal - Dael - 23/02/18 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
(4.4) If you are restrained and communications have been removed you must not be active on any other forms of communications other than direct chat. (Punishment is a ban)

I was banned because I did not fully cease my communications with my group until about halfway through a situation with a police officer. Which is not allowed as it can appear that I'm giving information to group members this way, which ruins roleplay for all parties involved as it spoils the fun when in a combat situation to give information away (I didn't give information away and even if I did the information would have been useless as noone would have been able to shoot the police officer in the car as shown in SGT Sharks video my group was still in the helicopter watching me which is why I don't fully understand how I got banned in this first place but w.e)

Why should we unban you ?
I think I should be unbanned because I've reread the rules on seperate occasions since my ban. I fully understand each rule and promise I will not break it again. I've experienced other "communities" on arma since my ban and lets just say they're not quite up to the standard as RPUK. I even found myself while playing on other servers abiding by rules that RPUK has that theserver I'm playing on doesn't. RPUK has probably the best community on arma, I'd really like to still be apart of it, Especially with all these new updates and I'm hoping to see the new white listed faction that will come eventually.
I want to be in this server to enjoy good roleplay and not to be gunned down every 5 seconds. That's what king of the hill is for.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

So are you saying we made the wrong decision in banning you? That you were fine to keep communicating while your radio had been taken with your mtes simply because they were in a helicopter and couldn't shoot the officers?

No I just meant that I didn't mean to break any rule just didn't have my hotkeys set - i do have them set now as home and end. I understand that my speakers should have been muted, but it was a bluff, i wasn't talking to anyone i was just trying to buy time because my group was in the middle of getting into position, if i didn't say what i said I'd have been put into the car and taken to agios PD

Given your comms and GPS had been removed and you were in handcuffs, and that the police knew 100% you had no RP way to communicate with your gang, what exactly were you trying to bluff?  That you somehow had a telepathic connection with your gang and this would confuse the police? Or where you trying to confuse the situation by trying to fool them into thinking you were breaking a server rule?

It doesn't add up. 

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I wasn't trying to confuse them into thinking that, i just didn't want to be taken away, because there was a chance my group could make it to me in time because we had a hellcat in the area watching what happened and me running away then after the police threathened to use non lethals i started firing and told my group that there was cops and to come help.

It was a bluff though - it's like saying you have friends in the area when you're playing alone to try and get them to put their hands up.

You've recently been unbanned for combat logging and warned for teleporting. In addition to this ban, I cannot place any trust in you at this time due to your history. There's a pattern here.

Denied, appeal in a few months.

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