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Un-ban Appeal - Deadway - 07/30/2016 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
Borat Sagdiyev

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Shooting, buzzing in jet

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well, I spawned my jet, It accidently had ammo so while at high altitude I may accidently have pressed the MG a few times (Consider I respawned it about 4 times to avoid it having ammo and it didn't so your faulty script), I also dropped a ton of flares with it, but I don't really see that harmful.

Why should we unban you ?
Well, I'm a decent RP'er, I even bought some attention to the server as Borat in PSYsyndicate's video along with the fact that it was your faulty script that gave the plane ammo and not me, so yeah and I don't really think I'm out on harming anyone I'm just up to having a good time.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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So let me get this straight? Its our fault that the script didn't work, and not your fault for trolling with the Jet and firing the guns?

So it's our fault because you were held accountable for your actions?

Why should we let you back, you're not convincing me.

So let me get this straight? Its our fault that the script didn't work, and not your fault for trolling with the Jet and firing the guns?

So it's our fault because you were held accountable for your actions?

Why should we let you back, you're not convincing me.
Actually, I admit to flying low if that's what you define as trolling, but I don't see how accidentally firing my gun at 2km altitude is that bad, considering I didn't use it and may have fired a few rounds as I moved my house (and my push to talk key was next to the fire key, and I accidentally pressed it) I'm sorry about that, but I do believe I wouldn't have banned if it wasn't for the faulty script that spawned weapons. So yeah, I admit to firing by weapon by mistake and flying low, but the firing was at a high altitude didn't hit anyone or anything nor did it cause damage.

As stated in the rules 

[SIZE=medium](2.14) Sometimes a Jet might spawn with ammo. Shooting any of the ammo will lead to a ban. [/SIZE] 

Ban is deserved, don't try and blame this on faulty scripts end of story... How are you going to make sure this does not happen again?

As stated in the rules 

[SIZE=medium](2.14) Sometimes a Jet might spawn with ammo. Shooting any of the ammo will lead to a ban. [/SIZE] 

Ban is deserved, don't try and blame this on faulty scripts end of story... How are you going to make sure this does not happen again?
By removing my firing key from aircraft along with no use my jet untill I'm 100% sure it spawns without ammo so I don't risk fucking up.. Or perhaps scrap it or sell it on ALUKBay.

Are you now ready to return to the server?

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