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Un-ban Appeal - Dick Me Daddy - 13/12/18

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Dick Me Daddy

In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
jefke v ?

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i think i was playing the server a while a go and i didn't initiate properly. it was so long ago i can't really remember. kinda feel sorry for ruining the guys day. I think i was with friends and i didn't really pay attention to what was going on and overall being a D I C K.

Why should we unban you ?
i think that it was just a stupid mistake. i really want to play on the server because me and a couple of friends want to come on the server. i used to play it and i had a pretty good time playing, sorry for any mishaps.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

So you were banned from a forum report. Go to the appropriate section on the website and see if you can find the report you were banned in, then elaborate with a lot more detail because as it stands you have put in next to no effort in this appeal.

and what section would that be in ?

I understand now that I was banned for Random Death Match, this is when you do not give enough roleplay for a gunfight to take place, this could be: not giving someone ample time to respond to initiation, shooting someone without initiating, or just going and shooting people for no reason. I understand that in this situation I did not give the player involved enough time to respond to my requests, and I would like to formally apologise to the player for this. I believe you should unban me as I have learned from my mistakes, after taking some time off from this server and dedicating my time toward other RP servers, I have learned that shooting someone without giving them time to respond is a clear violation of the rules of most servers. I understand that I broke the rules in this situation and I pledge not to break them again.

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So next time, Dont message me,that you have responded. i am very capable to look myself, if you have answered or not. 
Now Go find the rule you broke on the rulespage, And quote that rule here. 
Then i want you to explain, What you will do different if you get into the saame situation again? 

I broke the following rule: (2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

If I get into a similar situation I will make sure that I initiate properly and give the other side enough time to comply with my initiation instead of instantly  firing.

I would have some previous Roleplay with  the person that i am about to initiate on and say something of the lines of: “Sir, please place your hands on your head or you will be fired upon” and give them approximately 10 seconds to comply with my request.

I would have some previous Roleplay with  the person that i am about to initiate on and say something of the lines of: “Sir, please place your hands on your head or you will be fired upon” and give them approximately 10 seconds to comply with my request.
You have quoted the rule yet go on to describe a situation where you would again be banned.... this is very concerning.

Go here and thoroughly read staff member Matt's post about initiations then respond to my question again, this time giving plenty of thought to it.

Alright, I have now read the post. In a situation I wanted to initiate, I would have a friendly conversation with the person who I wanted to initiate on about what he has done for work today to establish whether he had money or not. If I think that he may have money on him, I would point my weapon at him and then politely ask him to place his hands on his head or he will be fired upon, and give him enough time to comply with my initiation.

It is important that you understand, You need ot give high quality rp,before you shoot someone. 
So tell me what are your plans here, if we choose to unban you? 

I'm going to try to avoid gunfights for the foreseeable future, so that I do not risk being banned again, but if I do get into a situation where I need to initiate, I will first have a chat with the player (High Quality Role Play) before I initiate. I'm going to just try and do runs in order to make myself some money so that I may be able to start up a mafia or gang of my own.

I'm gonna give you a chance to play by the rules and make top quality roleplay on the server. 

Welcome back.

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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